本文转自;http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42696948/how-can-i-install-the-vs2017-version-of-msbuild-on-a-build-server-without-instal The Visual Studio Build tools are a different download than the IDE. They appear to be a pretty small subset. On theVisual Studio download page, expandOther...
Node Version: 8.4.0 NPM Version: 5.3.0 Platform: Windows 7 Compiler: MSVS 2017 I was trying to customize the Platform Toolset variable for a legacy project I'm building when I ran into a strange problem. Essentially I need to set each Vi...
使用sys.version_info中的主版本和次版本号作为索引,查找msvs_version_mapping字典中对应的值 下面是示例代码: importsysdefget_msvs_version():msvs_version_mapping={(3,11):'2017',# 根据实际情况填写对应版本# 其他版本的对应关系}python_version=sys.version_info[:2]# 获取主版本和次版本号msvs_version...
通常我们能够在 csproj 文件中仅仅使用相对路径就完成大多数的编译任务。但是有些外部命令的执行需要用到...
然后执行npm config set msvs_version 2022 的时候报错了,node-gyp `msvs_version`不是有效的npm选项 解决办法是直接编辑config文件,在里面加上这条配置 执行npm config edit命令,会自动打开config文件,在最后面加上 ;msvs_version=2022 具体是2022还是2017 或者是其他版本,根据你安装的版本来 ...
Hi I have installed MSVS 2017 Pro version. Then i installed Intel Parallel Composer Studio XE Fortran 2018 for Windows. I am not able to create a new
Davis was right with the VS2017 glitch , I downloaded the newer version of Visual Studio 2017 Community(Version 15.5.2) and now it works like a charm without any issues what so ever . Just make sure you build the dlib library again with cmake and newer version of VS 2017 . ...
MSBuild MyApp.csproj /t:Clean /p:Configuration=Debug;/p:Platform=x86;TargetFrameworkVersion=v3.5 同样注意,如果project引用了其他的projects的时候,最好build整个.sln。 参考:MSBuild入门MSBuild入门(续)MSBuild功能介绍 === 参考如下: 背景:VS很好很强大,但太费系统资源了,尤其是在虚拟机在里面装VS的时候更...
find a version of Visual Studio 2017 or newer to use gypERR! ERR!find VS could not find a version of Visual Studio 2017 or newer to use find VS looking for Visual Studio 2015 gyp gyp ERR!ERR! find VSfind VS looking for Visual Studio 2015...
首先打开MSBuild命令提示符,然后切换到你想要创建项目的文件夹,例如我的文档或者桌面。然后,输入md ...