[severity:I’m unable to use this version] In the Visual Studio build (when Latest or 2022) is selected then the version of MSVC is 14.37.32822. But compiles with error C3611 I understand that MSVC version 14.38 or higher is needed to compile, see https://github.c...
[severity:I’m unable to use this version] In the Visual Studio build (when Latest or 2022) is selected then the version of MSVC is 14.37.32822. But compiles with error C3611 I understand that MSVC version 14.38 or higher is needed to compile, see https://gith...
下面就不多叙述了,总体来说就是把VS Code运行C++程序需要的依赖添加到环境变量中,接下来环境变量以K:V形式表达。另外还需要注意,如果你安装的是VS2022,那么安装目录为C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community;而如果是低于2022的版本,比如2019,它的安装目录为C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsof...
基于MSVC Community 2022。 需要配置好libusb参考开发环境,。 在Mac和Linux下使用CMake可以方便的构建,参考git的readme即可。在windows下我们可以直接添加源码到VS下进行编译。 下载代码 git clone https://github.com/libuvc/libuvc.git 在自己的工程目录下新建libuvc的文件夹 将源码目录的include和src复制到自己工程...
安装Visual studio 2022 Community后,在使用qt Creator13.0.1(qt6.6.3)创建项目时发现找不到编译器,如下图“自动检测”中没有任何显示 “编译器”中可以检测到MSVC编译器 “Debuggers”中没有cbd.exe文件 之后发现在Qt Creator->帮助->About Qt Creator中发现有如下图描述 ...
头文件是用于告诉主函数可调用的函数有什么,所以Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.37.32822/include是必须第一个加进来,仅仅使用cl.exe是不包含"<iostream>"等基本文件的。 其次,”ucrt“,"um"等Windows Kits的东西也需要加起来,因为这是windows自带的,不在vs里 ...
设置MSVC版本需要使用脚本vcvarsall.bat进行,此脚本的路径一般为:C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat,此脚本的原理是该脚本会配置MSVC相关的一些环境变量。在cmd中执行如下命令:> .\vcvarsall.bat会输出脚本的使用方法:...
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\Hostx64\x64; C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.22621.0\x64 c_cpp_properties.json { "configurations": [ { "name": "Win32", // 配置名称,可以自定义 ...
If you think the error or warning is wrong, or you've found another problem with the toolset, report a product issue on the Developer Community site. You can also send feedback and enter bugs within the IDE. In Visual Studio, go to the menu bar and choose Help > Send Feedback > ...
Do you want to experience the new improvements in the C++ backend? Please download the latest Visual Studio 2022 and give it a try! Any feedback is welcome. We can be reached via the comments below, Developer Community, X (@VisualC), or email at visualcpp@microsoft.com. ...