Vector integer combined division and remainder is only available for 32-bit elements and 128-bit and 256-bit vector lengths. Use separate division and remainder functions for other element sizes and vector lengths. SVML square-root is only available in 128-bit and 256-bit vector lengths. You c...
Need to make sure the autoupgraded string matches the new string, but otherwise should be fine. (I remember last time we made major changes for x86, the 128-bit integer alignment change, it was sort of tricky, but the issue mostly wasn't the layout string itself.) ...
In the example below, three loops are emitted for the original loop. The first processes 64 elements per vector iteration by packing 16 8-bit values into a 128-bit vector register and then unrolling the vector loop by four. The second loop processes 8 elements per vector iteration by pack...
* 128-bit integer structure. */ typedef struct { typedef struct __rte_aligned(16) { union { uint64_t val[2]; #ifdef RTE_ARCH_64 Expand All @@ -1103,7 +1103,7 @@ typedef struct { #endif #endif }; } __rte_aligned(16) rte_int128_t; } rte_int128_t; #ifdef __DOXYGEN__...
Microsoft C 的功能可支援調整整數類型大小。 您可以使用類型規範來宣告 8-、16-、32 或 64 位整數變數__intN,其中 是整數變數的大小,以N位為單位。n的值可以是 8、16、32 或 64。 下列範例宣告了四種可調整大小之整數類型的變數: __int8 nSmall;// Declares 8-bit integer__int16 nMedium;// Decla...
/// 1/ Loads 128-bit value// Address p must be 16-byte aligned.// For the unaligned version, see _mm_loadu_si128.__m128i reg_a=_mm_load_si128((__m128i*)pDataTmp);__m128i reg_B=_mm_load_si128((__m128i*)pBlackValTmp);__m128i reg_white=_mm_load_si128((__m128i*)...
CHAR_BITビット フィールドではない最小変数のビット数。8 SCHAR_MINsigned char型変数の最小値。-128 SCHAR_MAXsigned char型変数の最大値。127 UCHAR_MAXunsigned char型変数の最大値。255 (0xff) CHAR_MINchar型変数の最小値。-128 (/J オプションが使用される場合は 0) ...
Compiler warning (level 2) C5261 no integer type can represent all enumerator values in enumeration 'enum-name' Compiler warning (level 1, error, off) C5262 implicit fall-through occurs here; are you missing a break statement? Use [[fallthrough]] when a break statement is intentionally omi...
Compiler warning (level 1 and level 4) C4112#linerequires an integer between 1 and 'line_count' Compiler warning (level 1) C4113'identifier1' differs in parameter lists from 'identifier2' Compiler warning (level 1) C4114same type qualifier used more than once ...
The SSA Optimizer includes a Bit Estimator component that is able to determine which bits of a value are known to be always one/zero, among other facts (for examples see theprevious blog post). This is now augmented with a sophisticated analysis that estimates the bits of a ...