而SAT成绩一般录取分数在1100-1300分,ACT则大概录取到23-29分左右; (4)大学本科RD申请录取截止时间是01/01/2023,对于Transfer学生的网申截止日期是03/01/2023。 密歇根州立大学申请温馨提示:密歇根州立大学的招生录取,一般分为Fall semester(秋季)与Spring semester(春季)两个入学时间,以秋季为主。个别学院也提供w...
密歇根州立大学申请温馨提示:密歇根州立大学的招生录取,一般分为Fall semester(秋季)与Spring semester(春季)两个入学时间,以秋季为主。个别学院也提供winter和summer semester/term的录取,但是录取规模非常小,也未必招留学生。以前关于申请春季学期入学有什么特点、跟秋季相比有何不同之类、哪个申请难度更大之类的话题,...
(with breakdown by semester) Course Title: Substance Abuse and the Human Services Course Description: Theories, assessment, intervention, and service delivery models. SW 474 - All Semesters Average Grade -3.754 Median Grade -4.0 779 total students ...
MSU spokesman Jason Cody told the newspaper that Penn will remain employed with the university, although his classes have been reassigned for at least the remainder of the fall semester.