8. 别一说看演出就想着“CUSA春节晚会”,Wharton center的官网上有许多有意思的大小演出呢 9.唐人食府...
Epply Center地下有Lear Corporation Career Services Center,可以提供本科学生在求职方面需要的帮助,例如简历修改,面试练习;其服务面对全校学生。【BCC里面还有一家星巴克,大家可以一边喝着醇香的咖啡,一边上课。】【Chemistry Building 】化学楼如其名,是一个以化学为主的教学楼,与物理和生物楼连接在一起。在楼内设...
and an academic advising center in the campus. The on-campus library houses a wide range of books, magazines, journals, and other publications and a librarian is on duty to help students. The advising and counseling center provides both academic and career counseling services to interested ...
DCB’s Old Main is being repurposed as the Rural Health Education Center to accommodate expansion of the nursing and nursing assistant programs and create a campus option for the online medical coding and transcription programs. DCB received $2.5 million from the state and committed to a capital ...
CareerServicesNetwork 职业顾问 AllyFox InternationalStudiesandPrograms(ISP) 国际研究与项目学院(ISP) Development&AlumniRelations 发展和校友关系 国际资源拓展及校友办公室副主任 SkyinXiaoyuYin 活动日程 1:30–2:30PM 2:30–3:00PM 3:00–4:45PM
Can get documents that Career Services has uploaded for you to see, such as the Workstudy Employment Application, etc. Jobs & Internships Tab Choose one of the following: MSU Job-Link Job Postings – Jobs entered for Morehead State University students to view (there are six tabs) Jobs –...
但是,MSU无论是Lear Career Center、Career Services Network还是Handshake系统,都为学生就业做了很多努力...
对于一切好看的食物,打上MSU 食堂牌子一下就没了胃口(除了冰淇淋aww