MSTR watches Meister, which when translated from German means "Master," is a Los Angeles-based watch company that was founded in 2009 by Kingson Tse and Ryan Pietersz. A Meister is known as a superior trend setter who inspires others and paves the path into the future. This timepiece ...
endless summer she was nineteen when she first saw me and it felt like endless loving first light don't need me summers that she spent with me she was all i thought i'd need she likes to live inside her dreams always fascinated by her nineteen eighties black mercedes watches by ap moon...
由两个在设计和时尚领域志同道合的大学创立的洛杉矶腕表品牌 Meister Watches 向来以打造兼具高品质与摩登气息的产品为诉求。而近日,Meister Watches 就带来这款全新的全黑 Aviator 式样,以经典飞行员腕表作为蓝本 ... ,瘾潮流