HUAWEI-MSTP-MIB Alarm ID 0x0d542002 Alarm Name hwMstpProRootLost Alarm Type communicationsAlarm Raise or Clear Clear Match trap MSTP_1. hwMstpProRootLost Trap Buffer Parameters ParameterDescription ProcessID MSTP process ...
HUAWEI-MSTP-MIB Alarm ID 0x0d542004 Alarm Name hwMstpProLoopDetectedRising Alarm Type communicationsAlarm Raise or Clear Raise Match trap MSTP_1. hwMstpProLoopDetectedResume Trap Buffer Parameters ParameterDescription...
摘要 2010年以来,人民银行市州中支与省会中支之间的广域网线路均实现大幅扩容,由2M带宽的SDH线路升级成了10M带宽的MSTP线路.扩容后,有效缓解了广域网线路的带宽瓶颈 关键词MSTP / 线路 / 经验介绍 / 故障排除 / 带宽瓶颈 / 人民银行 / 广域网 / SDH ...
5.支持超级虚拟交换网功能,作为 Parent 交换机,使得原来"小型核心/汇聚+接入交换机+AP"的网络架构,虚拟化为一台设备进行管理,简化网络管理,提供官网链接截图证明;6.支持AP接入控制管理,整机可管理≥1K个无线AP,本次配置≥32个无线AP管理授权;7.支持STP/RSTP/MSTP生成树协议,支持以太环网标准ERPS,提供 50ms 的...
抖音号:dyg1k8vbxueq 作品400 喜欢 视频
MSTP process ID InstanceID Multiple spanning tree instance (MSTI) ID ProInstRootType Type of root bridge VB Parameters VB OIDVB NameVB Index hwMstpProInstanceRootType hwMstpProID hwMstpInstanceID Impact on the System ...
hwMstpProID hwMstpProID hwMstpInstanceID hwMstpInstanceID Impact on the System Services recover. Possible Causes The root bridge device returned to the normal state. Procedure This trap message is informatio...
hwMstpProID hwMstpProID hwMstpInstanceID hwMstpInstanceID Impact on the System Services recover. Possible Causes The root bridge device returned to the normal state. Procedure This trap message is informatio...
MSTP_1. hwMstpiPortRootGuarded MSTP_1. hwMstpiPortBpduGuarded MSTP_1. hwMstpiPortLoopGuarded MSTP_1. hwMstpiEdgePortChanged MSTP_1.3.6....
MSTP_1. hwMstpiPortRootGuarded MSTP_1. hwMstpiPortBpduGuarded MSTP_1. hwMstpiPortLoopGuarded MSTP_1. hwMstpiEdgePortChanged MSTP_1.