Clip: "When we return to our planet the high court may well sentence you to *TORTURE*!" 405 Being from Another Planet Airdate: July 4, 1992 Pre: Twenty questions Inventions: MS: Tragic Moments Figurines J: Jack Palance Impersonator Kit Skits: Lost in Space fan, Haunted boiler room...
POJ - 1679 The Unique MST 题意: 给定一个有 n 个点的无向图,判断最小生成树是否唯一。 链接: 解题思路: 考虑在 Kruskal 算法基础上进行判断。排序后,对于一段权值相同的边,先判断有多少条可以加入最小生成树,统计最终实际加入几条,若两者不相等,说明有环,且环...
Get ready for the ultimate Turkey Day celebration with Mystery Science Theater 3000 as they bring back the fan-favorite annual event – Turkey Day Potluck of
The article discusses Joel Hodgson, the creator and former host of the television (TV) program "Mystery Science Theater 3000," and his efforts to reboot the TV series. Topics include the Syfy Channel's decision to pick up the show for an additional three seasons after its final seventh ...
Time Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 1250 Accepted Submission(s): 413 Problem Description ice_cream’s world becomes stronger and stronger; every road is built as undirected. The queen enjoys traveling around her world; the ...
[x] == x)return x; 24 return fa[x] = fin(fa[x]); 25 } 26 void uni(int x,int y) 27 { 28 int a = fin(x),b = fin(y); 29 if(a == b)return; 30 if(ra[a] < ra[b]) 31 { 32 fa[a] = b; 33 ra[b] += ra[a]; 34 } 35 else 36 { 37 fa[b] = a; ...
Starwars/MST3K Custom Poster Frame: Just over a year ago Mystery Science Theater 3000 made its triumphant return to Netflix, and being a contributor to the kick-starter which made it possible, I received a cast signed poster. With swag as cool as that I
order: 1 piece Easy Return K- 010 Key 46 Matching Adapter Cable Ecu Connecting Cable Fit for 3000pro Motorcycle diagnostic Accessory $94.20 Min. order: 1 piece Easy Return Pulse Cable for CNC602A Fuel Injector Clean Machine $7.50 Min. order: 1 piece Easy Return Free shipping Original ...
Linux Driver for the Startech USB2HDCAPM USB capture device - hdcapm/mst3367-drv.c at master · stoth68000/hdcapm
【MST-Kruskal】HDU 3371 Connect the Cities HDU 3371 Connect the Cities 题意 有n个城市,m条可建造道路(分别对应各自的建造费用),k 组城市相互连通。让我们判断这n个城市是不是能够连通,能就输出最少的建造费用。 思路 Kruskal 我们将互相连通的点Merge起来,然后将可建造的道路按照权值排序,从小到大取,看...