续2010年11月09日的《SQL语句中CASE WHEN以及CAST的运用》一文,如果在基础数据教师表中添加了新的教师用户,而恰好添加的教师已经存在于教学成果数据中,则需要更新教学成果数据中该教师的信息,即:之前存储的是教师的姓名,添加教师后,则应该存储教师的编号。于是需要定期检查是否有新添加的教师信息,需要跨表更新教学成果...
update 表名 set 字段=replace(字段,substring(字段,charindex('[',字段),len(字段)-charindex('[',字段)+1),'')你先备份一下,执行下上边这条
UPDATE A SET 数量=CASE A.单位 WHEN 1 THENA.数量*B. 单位1参数 WHEN 2 THENA.数量*B. 单位2参数 ELSE A.数量 END, 损坏数量= CASE A.单位 WHEN 1 THENA. 损坏数量*B. 单位1参数 WHEN 2 THENA. 损坏数量*B. 单位2参数 ELSE A. 损坏数量 END, 单位=1 FROM入库表 A, 料件表 B WHEREA....
update Result set StudentResult+=2 where SubjectId=@subjectId and StudentNo in(select StudentNo from Student where ClassId=@classid) and StudentResult<=98 else break end 15 子查询 子查询--一个查询中包含另外一个查询。被包含的查询就称为子查询,。包含它的查询就称父查询 1.子查...
数据操纵 DML SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE 数据控制 DCL GRANT,REVOKE T-SQL 文本讨论数据检索,所以主要会用到 DDL,DML,T-SQL这些. 请确认您已常握了常用的基础语法.能说出下面的语句各有什么功能. SELECT * FROM UserInfo WHERE ID=1 SELECT UserName FROM UserInfo ORDER BY ID DESC ...
在mssql中,可以使用各自的ids来更新多行和多列。具体操作可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 首先,确保你已经连接到了MSSQL数据库。 2. 使用UPDATE语句来更新多行和多列。UPDATE语句...
Step3.聚合:SUM(CASE WHEN custid='A' THEN qty END); 代码语言:javascript 复制 --1.1标准SQL透视转换 select empid,SUM(casewhen custid='A'then qty end)asA,SUM(casewhen custid='B'then qty end)asB,SUM(casewhen custid='C'then qty end)asC,SUM(casewhen custid='D'then qty end)asDfrom dbo...
If the targeted server is incorrect, update the connection string to point to the correct server. If the connection string is correct, provide the login access to the database. To do this, create a user in the database, and then map to that login. ...
Prototype localization support added. We will be adding full localization support in a future update. Improved Peek Definition support. Multiple bug fixes, and additional supported types. Supported types: Tables, Views, Procedures, User Defined Tables, User Defined Types, Synonyms, Scalar Functions, ...
The error occurs because the columns in the source table cannot be accessed when no rows are returned to the query. For example, the clause WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE THEN UPDATE SET TargetTable.Col1 = SourceTable.Col1 may cause the statement to fail if Col1 in the source table is ...