ORDER BY Country ASC FOR XML PATH(”)), 1, 1, ”) AS FullName 上面的代码会按照国家的顺序返回公司名称组成的拼写的完整公司名称。 总结,MSSQL中拼写字符串的技巧可以通过使用concat(),STRING_AGG()或FOR XML PATH语句来实现。在使用MSSQL中的上述函数和语句时,用户可以获得更高的效率并提供更准确的查询...
SELECT STRING_AGG (Name, ‘,’) FROM Table1 该函数使用多参数格式,因此用户可以添加任何需要的拼接内容并且可以通过Order by子句指定需要拼接的字符串顺序。 总而言之,MSSQL文本拼接是一种常用的数据处理方法,用户可以通过使用Transact-SQL的“+”运算符来拼接一个字符串;同样用户还可以使用STUFF函数和FOR XML PA...
SELECT STRING_AGG([value], ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY[value])FROM@dump_data Source Code 如果你不想创建临时表,把拆分的数据插⼊临时表,步骤繁复。可以使⽤派⽣表来进⾏:SELECT STRING_AGG([value], ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY[value])FROM (SELECT[value]FROM STRING_SPLIT(@str,',...
Using STRING_AGG with WITHIN GROUP Example The following example shows how to display the list of email addresses from the EmailAddress table separated by commas and order in descending order using the WITHIN GROUP clause. SELECTSTRING_AGG(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(max),EmailAddress),',')WITHINGROUP(ORDER...
string.Format(@"SELECT * INTO #T FROM (SELECT {0}, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by {1} {2}) nr FROM {3} where 1=1 {4}) A WHERE nr between (({5} - 1) * {6} + 1) and ({5} * {6})select V.* from #T INNER JOIN {3} V ON #T.{0}=V.{0} ORDER BY V.{1} {2...
SELECTu.Name,PhoneNumbers=STRING_AGG(CONCAT(p.PhoneType,' ',p.PhoneNumber),', ')WITHINGROUP(ORDERBYp.PhoneType)FROMdbo.UsersASuLEFTOUTERJOINdbo.UserPhonesASpONu.UserID=p.UserIDGROUPBYu.NameORDERBYu.Name; Copy Results: Regarding performance, I created a much larger data set: ...
STRING_AGG bug SUSDB (Recovery Pending) state/error syntax error for option(maxrecursion 0) sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats takes a very long time to run on a small table sys.dm_exec_query_stats cleared frequently? sysindexes states that sys.sysrscols contains 50 million rows. How to free...
By company size Enterprises Small and medium teams Startups Nonprofits By use case DevSecOps DevOps CI/CD View all use cases By industry Healthcare Financial services Manufacturing Government View all industries View all solutions Resources Topics AI DevOps Security Software Development...
big, you will not have a problem using them. The sorting process takes a lot of resources. An alternative is to use FOR XML PATH with the STUFF function. The following article, will provide you some tips about this topic:Using FOR XML PATH and STRING_AGG() to denormalize SQL Server ...