sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set filelocation.errorlogfile /mnt/mssql/log/e 3. 确认目标路径的有效性 在执行此命令之前,需要确保 /mnt/mssql/log/e 路径是有效的,并且 SQL Server 服务账户(通常是 mssql 用户)对该路径具有读写权限。通常,日志文件不会直接存放在一个名为 e 的文件内,这看起来...
/opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set filelocation.errorlogfile /data/mssqlserver/logs/errorlog 9.修改默认备份目录位置 mkdir /data/mssqlserver/backup -p chown mssql /data/mssqlserver/backup chgrp mssql /data/mssqlserver/backup /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set filelocation.defaultbackupdir /data/ms...
sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set filelocation.defaultlogdir /tmp/log 1. 6. 该命令也假设/tmp/log目录存在,并且隶属于mssql用户和组。 修改默认master数据库文件目录位置 filelocation.masterdatafile和filelocation.masterlogfile设置修改SQL Server引擎查找master数据库文件的位置。默认,这个位置是/var/opt/m...
( NAME = N'''+ @log_name_max_size +'_new'', FILENAME = N''SOME_FOLDER_LOCATION\' + @log_name_max_size + '_NEW.NDF'',SIZE=81920KB , FILEGROWTH =65536KB )' as AddNewFile FETCH NEXT FROM reached_max_size into @db_name_max_size , @log_name_max_size, @configured_max_log...
select database_id,name,physical_nameAS CurrentLocation,state_desc,sizefrom sys.master_files where database_id=db_id(N'数据库名'); --修改文件的存放位置下次启动生效 --testDb为数据库名, alterdatabase 数据库名modify file (name = 文件名(不包含后缀), filename ='文件存储路径'); ...
planning on moving the SQL Server log file of my production database on this drive. I am curious about how it will optimize the performance. What are some of the considerations I should take into account and how can I move the SQL Server database log file to a separate ...
Ubuntu设置JDK环境变量方法 Http协议状态码介绍 Robots.txt写法制作 Discuz如何找回管理员密码 WordPress错误 Fatal error undefined function is_network_admin() 解决方法 WordPress错误Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted解决方法 如何解决checking if the location of ZLIB install directory is...
changes. The “mssql-conf” script installs with SQL Server vNext for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux and Ubuntu and can be found in /opt/mssql/bin/. This utility is very useful to set the parameters like TCP ports, default data file location, default log file location, etc. ...
VSCode-Insiders users will see their connections are now read from and saved to the Insiders settings file instead of the regular Visual Studio Code location. Fixes#242. Saving connections no longer affects comments in the settings file#959. ...