sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set filelocation.errorlogfile /mnt/mssql/log/e 3. 确认目标路径的有效性 在执行此命令之前,需要确保 /mnt/mssql/log/e 路径是有效的,并且 SQL Server 服务账户(通常是 mssql 用户)对该路径具有读写权限。通常,日志文件不会直接存放在一个名为 e 的文件内,这看起来...
/opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set filelocation.errorlogfile /data/mssqlserver/logs/errorlog 9.修改默认备份目录位置 mkdir /data/mssqlserver/backup -p chown mssql /data/mssqlserver/backup chgrp mssql /data/mssqlserver/backup /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set filelocation.defaultbackupdir /data/ms...
sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set filelocation.defaultlogdir /tmp/log 1. 6. 该命令也假设/tmp/log目录存在,并且隶属于mssql用户和组。 修改默认master数据库文件目录位置 filelocation.masterdatafile和filelocation.masterlogfile设置修改SQL Server引擎查找master数据库文件的位置。默认,这个位置是/var/opt/m...
( NAME = N'''+ @log_name_max_size +'_new'', FILENAME = N''SOME_FOLDER_LOCATION\' + @log_name_max_size + '_NEW.NDF'',SIZE=81920KB , FILEGROWTH =65536KB )' as AddNewFile FETCH NEXT FROM reached_max_size into @db_name_max_size , @log_name_max_size, @configured_max_log...
sudo/opt/mssql/bin/mssql-confsetfilelocation.defaultlogdir/tmp/log 6. 该命令也假设/tmp/log目录存在,并且隶属于mssql用户和组。 修改默认master数据库文件目录位置 filelocation.masterdatafile和filelocation.masterlogfile设置修改SQL Server引擎查找master数据库文件的位置。默认,这个位置是/var/opt/mssql/data。
Ubuntu设置JDK环境变量方法 Http协议状态码介绍 Robots.txt写法制作 Discuz如何找回管理员密码 WordPress错误 Fatal error undefined function is_network_admin() 解决方法 WordPress错误Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted解决方法 如何解决checking if the location of ZLIB install directory is...
Now that we know the service account used by the SQL Server Agent service and where the log file location, we need to check if the account has read and write access to the folder used by the Agent to keep its log. In order to do so, we can take a look at the Security tab...
不能在用户定义的事务内执行 sp_addsrvrolemember 存储过程。...位置 DBPROP_INIT_LOCATION 要连接的数据库的位置。 扩展属性 DBPROP_INIT_PROVIDERSTRING 提供程序特定的连接字符串。 3.5K80 NodeJS中使用mssql模块连接SQLServer数据库 最近看了下NodeJS下连接SQLServer的一些示例,发现NodeJs中有两个模块,一个是ms...
3. To view the location of SQL Server Error Log file double click an event and you can see the event properties as shown below. Next Steps Keep this tip handy to find out where the SQL Server Error Log file is located Refer to these other related tips: ...
Browse Azure: Browse available database instances and databases in your Azure account, with options to filter by subscription, resource group, and location. In addition to creating new connections, the dialog now includes aSaved ConnectionsandRecent Connectionspanel, making it easier to reconnect to ...