Is there a groovier way to subtract one list from another when the elements are objects? I thought there might be a way to use minus but can't figure it out. This is what I have: Which is pretty good ... prevent condition has length > 1 with := operator in data.table in R ...
Add the code below to the parameter query area. This code returns a random start and end date within a range of 1 to 21 days. The start date is always before the end date. --;WITHstartdateAS(SELECTTOP100DATEADD(DAY,RAND(CHECKSUM(NEWID()))*(1+365),'2...
几种关系数据库中字符编码和存储长度需要注意的几个问题 1.mysql中char(n) varchar(n) 中再utf8编码存储方式下数字表示的是字符数,但是在其他方式下就根据情况定,需要再相应环境下探索一下。 2.SqlServer char(n):固定长度,存储ANSI字符,不足的补英文半角空格。 n是字节数。 nchar(n):固定长度,存储Unicode字...
Filtering to return date field > today minus 5 days? (report builder 3.0) Find if value exists in Dataset find stored procedure name for ssrs reports Find the difference between two columns in an ssrs matrix ? MSCRM Finding a valid SQL Server Product Key on Azure VM First day of last qua...
1.mysql中char(n) varchar(n) 中再utf8编码存储方式下数字表示的是字符数,但是在其他方式下就根据情况定,需要再相应环境下探索一下。 2.SqlServer char(n):固定长度,存储ANSI字符,不足的补英文半角空格。 n是字节数。 nchar(n):固定长度,存储Unicode字符,不足的补英文半角空格。n是字符数。
-SQL:convert(char(10),getdate(),111)-ORACLE:to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd')5.日期比较 -SQL:允许和字符比较,如getdate()>'2009.1.1'-ORACLE:不允许,必须先用TO_DATE转换 6.日期运算 -SQL:可用DateDiff运算,如DateDiff(Day,date1,date2)-ORACLE:用trunc(date2-date1),如果是月份可以用months_...