SELECT TableName FROM InformationSchema.Tables WHERE TableType=’BASE TABLE’ –Export each table OPEN curs FETCH NEXT FROM curs into @TableName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SELECT * INTO @TableName + ‘ Data File.csv’ FROM TestDB.dbo.@TableName FETCH NEXT FROM curs into @TableName E...
Refresh IntelliSense Cachecommand added. This will rebuild the IntelliSense for a connected database to include any recent schema changes New Querycommand added. This opens a new .sql file and connects to a server, making it quicker to get started with your queries ...
值得一提的是,在 MSSQL 中除了借助 sysobjects 表和syscolumns 表获取表名、列名外,MSSQL 数据库中也兼容 information_schema,里面存放了数据表表名和字段名。使用方法与 MySQL 相同。 /* 查询表名可以用 information_schema.tables */ ?id=1 and 1=(select top 1 table_name from information_schema.tables)...
Refresh IntelliSense Cachecommand added. This will rebuild the IntelliSense for a connected database to include any recent schema changes New Querycommand added. This opens a new .sql file and connects to a server, making it quicker to get started with your queries ...
EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'MS_Description', @value=N'编号' , @level0type=N'SCHEMA',@level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'TABLE',@level1name=N'dept', @level2type=N'COLUMN',@level2name=N'deptno' GO 1. 2. 修改后语句(在 PostgreSQL 端修改) ...
--schema-and-data默认情况下,仅对模式进行脚本编写。如果提供,生成包含架构和数据的脚本。 --script-create脚本对象CREATE语句。 --script-drop脚本对象DROP语句。 --script-drop-create脚本对象CREATE和DROP语句。 -exclude-use-database 不生成USE DATABASE语句。 --data-compressions编写数据压缩信息脚本。 --dis...
[0]; } async createTable() { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { this.executeQuery( `IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'Person') BEGIN CREATE TABLE Person ( id int NOT NULL IDENTITY, firstName varchar(255), lastName varchar(255) ...
MSSQL_SCRIPTER_CONNECTION_STRING.-S , --server Server name.-d , --database Database name.-U , --user Login IDforserver.-P , --password Password.-f , --fileOutputfilename.--data-only Generate scripts that contains data only.--schema-and-data Generate scripts that contain schema and ...
Instead of mirroring your DB schema in code that needs manual updates, OINO will get the data schema from DBMS using SQL in real time. Every time your app starts, it has an updated data model which enables automatic (de)serialize SQL results to JSON/CSV and back. OINO works on the ...
SQL Create Table Summary In this tutorial, we learned some of the basics of creating a table in SQL Server. We learned the core elements of a table, a few ways of creating the table, naming conventions for a table, how to insert and modify data in the table and brief overview of some...