SELECT TableName FROM InformationSchema.Tables WHERE TableType=’BASE TABLE’ –Export each table OPEN curs FETCH NEXT FROM curs into @TableName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SELECT * INTO @TableName + ‘ Data File.csv’ FROM TestDB.dbo.@TableName FETCH NEXT FROM curs into @TableName E...
(其中,All或者Allprivileges代表权限列表中除Grant option权限之外的所有权限)。● All或All privileges:除Grant option之外,代表其他所有权限。● Alter:该权限用于使用ALTER TABLE语句来
值得一提的是,在 MSSQL 中除了借助 sysobjects 表和syscolumns 表获取表名、列名外,MSSQL 数据库中也兼容 information_schema,里面存放了数据表表名和字段名。使用方法与 MySQL 相同。 /* 查询表名可以用 information_schema.tables */ ?id=1 and 1=(select top 1 table_name from information_schema.tables)...
接下来,可以使用bulk insert来将生成的文件导入到另外一个数据库中: bulk insert databasename.schemaname.tablename in C:\path\to\file.csv -c -t, -r\n 上述命令可以将csv文件中的数据导入到databasename.schemaname.tablename表中。 最后,可以使用bcp的封装函数来完成文件的导入导出,这比不使用封装函数要...
--schema-and-data默认情况下,仅对模式进行脚本编写。如果提供,生成包含架构和数据的脚本。 --script-create脚本对象CREATE语句。 --script-drop脚本对象DROP语句。 --script-drop-create脚本对象CREATE和DROP语句。 -exclude-use-database 不生成USE DATABASE语句。 --data-compressions编写数据压缩信息脚本。 --dis...
The goal of this exercise is toSELECTthe top 50 rows of each tables that have a “Sales” schema name and to load it a single spreadsheet where each worksheet represents a different table. Below are the tables. First of all, I will show how each section of R code and at the end I...
mssql-scripter -S -d ZoomlaCMS -U ZoomlaDB_user -P 数据库密码 --schema-and-data --display-progress > ./adventureworks3.sql 显示进度导出脚本 mssql-scripter -S -d ZoomlaCMS -U ZoomlaDB_user -P 数据库密码 --schema-and-data --exclude-use-database --display-pro...
[0]; } async createTable() { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { this.executeQuery( `IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'Person') BEGIN CREATE TABLE Person ( id int NOT NULL IDENTITY, firstName varchar(255), lastName varchar(255) ...
Refresh IntelliSense Cachecommand added. This will rebuild the IntelliSense for a connected database to include any recent schema changes New Querycommand added. This opens a new .sql file and connects to a server, making it quicker to get started with your queries ...
MSSQL_SCRIPTER_CONNECTION_STRING.-S , --server Server name.-d , --database Database name.-U , --user Login IDforserver.-P , --password Password.-f , --fileOutputfilename.--data-only Generate scripts that contains data only.--schema-and-data Generate scripts that contain schema and ...