3.调用程序集,创建一个标量值函数,在函数里调用程序集 --方法传入传出参数数量与类型须和程序集中调用方法相同CREATEFUNCTIONSqlDecode(@source_strNVARCHAR(4000))RETURNSNVARCHAR(4000)AS--SQL_CLR_Decode是创建的程序集名称,DecodeCLR是程序集中命名空间的名称,CLRClass是类名,Decode是要调用的程序集中的方法名EXTE...
source_conn=get_db_conn(source_server_type, source_server)#for mssql the execute function will do nothing#fetchmany will only return page size result to client for pymssql and pymysqlwith source_conn.cursor() as source_cursor: source_cursor.execute(source_select_sql.format(last_sync_timestamp...
node-mssql decodes the result of this query: select geometry::STGeomFromText(N'POLYGON((1 1, 3 1, 3 7, 1 1))',4326) into the JavaScript object: { srid: 4326, version: 1, points: [ Point { x: 1, y: 1, z: null, m: null }, Point { x: 1, y: 3, z: null, m: ...
to decode what these status codes into OS errors. If you are getting the Access is Denied operating system error = 5, consider these methods: Check the permissions that are set on the file by looking at the properties of the file in Windows Explorer. SQL Server uses Windows groups to prov...
to decode what these status codes into OS errors. If you are getting the Access is Denied operating system error = 5, consider these methods: Check the permissions that are set of the file by looking at the properties of the file in Windows Explorer. SQL Server uses Windows groups to prov...
to decode what these status codes into OS errors. If you are getting the Access is Denied operating system error = 5, consider these methods: Check the permissions that are set on the file by looking at the properties of the file in Windows Explorer. SQL Server uses Windows groups to prov...
Suspicious|Open |May open a file | |Suspicious|Hex Strings |Hex-encoded strings were detected, may be | | | |used to obfuscate strings (option --decode to| | | |see all) | +---+---+---+ username:reporting password:PcwTWTHRwryjc$c6 reporter –> mssql-svc (通过 MSSQL获取 MSS...
to decode what these status codes into OS errors. If you are getting the Access is Denied operating system error = 5, consider these methods: Check the permissions that are set of the file by looking at the properties of the file in Windows Explorer. SQL Server uses Windows groups to prov...
PostgreSqlCombProvider: This creates and decodes COMBs in GUIDs that are compatible with the way PostgreSQL sorts uuid values -- i.e., starting with the first byte shown in string representations of a Guid.Both take an IDateTimeStrategy argument in their constructor. Two strategies are included...