1.登陆账户 2. 在my products 中选择Hosting Account List 3. 点击open 4. 在 Databases 选项中,选择 SQL Sever键 5. 点击 Create New Database 6. 点击右下角的 Create New Database 7. 如果你使用DSN,选择 Create DSN 8. 填写用户名和密码,之后点击 continue 9. 核实你的数据库设置的准确性,如果没有...
1.登陆账户 2. 在my products 中选择Hosting Account List 3. 点击open 4. 在 Databases 选项中,选择 SQL Sever键 5. 点击 Create New Database 6. 点击右下角的 Create New Database 7. 如果你使用DSN,选择 Create DSN 8. 填写用户名和密码,之后点击 continue 9. 核实你的数据库设置的准确性,如果没有...
1.登陆账户 2. 在my products 中选择Hosting Account List 3. 点击open 4. 在 Databases 选项中,选择 SQL Sever键 5. 点击 Create New Database 6. 点击右下角的 Create New Database 7. 如果你使用DSN,选择 Create DSN 8. 填写用户名和密码,之后点击 continue 9. 核实你的数据库设置的准确性,如果没有...
1.登陆账户 2. 在my products 中选择Hosting Account List 3. 点击open 4. 在 Databases 选项中,选择 SQL Sever键 5. 点击 Create New Database 6. 点击右下角的 Create New Database 7. 如果你使用DSN,选择 Create DSN 8. 填写用户名和密码,之后点击 continue 9. 核实你的数据库设置的准确性,如果没有...
"0: Don't impersonate the administrator account for SQL Server.The user that runs setup.exe must be an administrator for the server that is hosting the SQL Server." That was probably my issue. The CitrixRunAs account definitely isn't an admin for the MSSQL server; it's ...
2. 在my products 中选择Hosting Account List 3. 点击open 4. 在 Databases 选项中,选择 SQL Sever键 5. 点击 Create New Database 6. 点击右下角的 Create New Database 7. 如果你使用DSN,选择 Create DSN 8. 填写用户名和密码,之后点击 continue ...
"0: Don't impersonate the administrator account for SQL Server.The user that runs setup.exe must be an administrator for the server that is hosting the SQL Server." That was probably my issue. The CitrixRunAs account definitely isn't an admin for the MSSQL server; it'...
2. 在hosting & Email 中,选择Hosting Account List 3. 选择你需要修改的帐户点击open 4. 在控制面板Database 选项,点击 SQL Server 在该页面,可以建立新的数据库,也可一删除或者改变原有数据库 5. 为了获取更好的管理功能,点击Open Manger 6. 点击Connection2次,输入数据库的用户名和密码 ...
Please clearly describe what the SQL Sink is doing incorrectly: If I use the "autoCreateSqlDatabase": true setting, the [TimeStamp] column is created as NULL, although the readme says it's NOT NULL here. Please clearly describe the expec...
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