As in this example:CREATE PROCEDURE testASSELECT 0 as zero WHERE 0 = 1SELECT 1 as oneGOAfter executing the stored procedure, mssql_num_rows will report one, ignoring the first result. up down -3 eliseo at olografix dot org ¶ 15 years ago After many attempt I resolved the ...
TC表(教师授课表)的结构为TC(TNO,CNO分别表示教师的编号,课程编号。*/USE example GO CREATE TABLE t(TNO char(10)NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PK_TNO PRIMARY KEY,/* 教师编号字段*/TN char(10)NULL,/* 教师姓名字段*/SEX char(2)NULL,/* 教师 性别字段*/AGE int NULL,/* 教师年龄字段*/PROF char(20)...
5. Create procedure example for Natively Compiled SQL Server Stored Procedures USE TestDB GO -- Drop stored procedure if it already exists IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Compute_Salaries','P') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE dbo.Compute_Salaries GO CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Compute_Salaries @DateFrom DA...
is a T-sql funcion which is used to enum data from outside data source forexample: openrowset('microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0',';database=c:\windows\system32\ias\ias.mdb','select shell("cmd.exe /c whoami")'); openrowset: This is a T-SQL function used to retrieve data from an external ...
For example, the following code dynamically creates and executes the SQL statement using the sp_executesql stored procedure. @schema variable stores the table schema. @table_name stores the database table name. @SalesOrderID contains the SalesOrderID. ...
This example shows that driver returns 4 scale instead of 3. So here is example driver returns 4 scale instead of 5: varstmt=connection.createStatement();stmt.execute("""create procedure test_bigdecimal@big_decimal_type decimal(15, 5) ,@big_decimal_type_o decimal(15, 5) outputas beginset...
Other users, for example the DBA is able to connect to it. The user account in question must be granted explicit access to the database or be added to a SQL Server role or a local Windows group or domain group that has access to the database. For more information, see CREATE USER,...
使用示例 删除空的存储空间examplebucket。ossutil rb oss:/examplebucket ... 删除存储空间 说明删除存储空间之前,必须先删除存储空间下的所有文件、LiveChannel 和分片上传产生的碎片。如果该Bucket下还有未完成的上传请求,则需要通过 listUploads 和 abortMultipartUpload 取消请求后才能删除Bucket。示例代码 以下代码...
The following example corrects the column name in the view. USE AdventureWorks; GO ALTER VIEW Production.ApprovedDocuments AS SELECT Title,TrackingNumber, Status FROM Production.Document WHERE Status = 2; GO
Use this only in special cases, for example when you need to execute commands like create procedure which can't be executed with query or if you're executing statements longer than 4000 chars on SQL Server 2000. Also you should use this if you're plan to work with local temporary tables...