and yeah you could use the RifleClipFix mod or some of the others BUT that becomes in issue when mods that change the entire items.txt file because that breaks every mod that uses/modifies a bit of the items.txt file will become NULL and not work until the mod that DOES change the en...
M S R是“模块化狙击步枪”(Modular Sniper Rifle)的缩写。这不是雷明顿军品部第一次参加军用狙击步枪竞标,此前他们的半自动狙击手系统(SASS)败给了奈特军械公司,后者的产品即是XM110。这次雷明顿公司采用全新设计,而不是在原有系统上进行改进。与其他PSR候选型相比,采用模块化设计的雷明顿MSR的灵活性比较大。目前...