Quad Clock Distributor [QCD] Four channel voltage controlled Clock Divider/Multiplier with master Tap Tempo. Each channel can be synced to the tap tempo, to the channel above, or to an external clock. Each channel also has a reset jack. With a Tap Tempo button and five sync'ed clock ...
(QCD). The QCD Expander adds a host of features, turning the QCD into a programmatic non-linear sequencer. Each channel gets a CV Trigger Delay (Pulse Width) jack and knob, an additional output jack with three selectable modes, and attenuverters for all CV input jacks. Self-patched evol...
Extracting the QCD ΛMSˉ parameter in Drell–Yan process using Collins–Soper–Sterman approachDrell–Yan processTMDPDFsCollins–Soper–Sterman formalismIn this work, we directly fit the QCD dimensional transmutation parameter, ΛMS, to experimental data of Drell–Yan (DY) observables. For this ...
I describe tests of QCD and determinations of αthat have been obtained using structure functions measured by the BCDMS collaboration in deep inelastic muon scattering. These analyses use the BCDMS data alone or in conjunction with the recently reanalysed electron scattering data of SLAC....
We directly fit the QCD dimensional transmutation parameter, Lambda MS-bar, to experimental data on e+e- jet observables, making use of next-to-leading order (NLO) perturbative calculations. In this procedure there is no need to mention, let alone to arbitrarily vary, the unphysical re...
Chiral corrections and lattice QCD results for F(B(s)) / f(B(d)) and delta(B(s)) / delta m(B(d)) It has been argued recently that the inclusion of the chiral logarithms in extrapolation of the lattice data can shift the value of the hadronic parameter ... D Becirevic,S Fajfer...
The Do-it-yourself kit includes all the parts necessary to build a fully-featured QCD EXP. This is an intermediate to advanced-level kit, so you should be experienced in soldering and have basic hand tools (flush snips, needle-nose pliers, small screw driver). ...
果然不出所料,警察从她的篮子里搜出了两个小型摄像机,并当场逮捕了她。 审问很顺利,老妇人对偷拍行为供认不讳,但她说出的原因却让所有人目瞪口呆,甚至同情她。 那到底是什么原因,让一个63岁的老母亲可以放下颜面,做出如此不堪的事情呢? 这个老妇人叫关佐登美,在名古屋的一家公司上班,家里有一位37岁的儿子...
奥迪Q3 Sportback是奥迪Q3的Coupe版车型。奥迪锋利的车身线条和突出的轮拱使得这款车的比例和姿态达到了这个级别的新高度。据说Q3 Sportback将在今年进行国产,那么改变造型的Q3车内空间究竟受到了多大的影响?Q3的高颜值版本究竟...