近期,国际计算机学会 (ACM) 举办的 2024年国际系统、程序、语言和应用程序大会 (The ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH))在美国加州帕萨迪纳落下帷幕...
拼多多 2024-12-19 0 -- 移动端、京东百亿补贴:京东京造 卫衣男加绒宽松连帽篮球运动外套秋浅花灰 L 114元(需买2件,共228元) 京东 2024-12-30 0 -- adidas 阿迪达斯 抓绒篮球运动连帽卫衣男装阿迪达斯IL2313 碳黑 S 179元 京东 2024-12-30 0 -- ANTA 安踏 连帽卫衣男春秋款棉质套头篮球运动上衣男...
I did clean install of win 11 as well. Guidance would be appreciated. Thx T. I don't think Win11 is even supported on a Gen3 X1 Thinkpad Yoga. My guess would be that there is some driver/component that is not happy. Not sure if there'd be a so...