MSP430G2xx3设备的SMBus库用户指南说明书 SMBus Library for MSP430G2xx3Devices User’s Guide DOCNUM- Copyright©2015T exas Instruments Incorporated.
数据手册:MSP430FR5xx_6xx_DriverLib_Users_Guide-2_21_00_08.pdf 这两份文档应该是最经常用的了。
进入driverlib这个文件夹之后我们得到下面这么多文件,很显然例程就在我们的example里面,而这里面的driverlib对应就是我们器件的库函数源代码。其他的大家自己琢磨去看看了。不在说明了。 进入example这个文件夹就是我们德州仪器所有的430产品的系列型号对应的不同的参考代码了。我们进入FR5xx_6xx这个系列,对应我们的开发板...
1) Device:包含MSP430系列所有芯片的Datasheet、User’s Guide等文档,以及针对芯片的例程库,还有图形化工具Grace例程; 2) Development Tools:包含所有MSP430开发套件的User’s Guide以及硬件文档,同时还有针对板卡的例程; 3) Libraries:有TI官方提供的针对MSP430的代码库,包括外设驱动库Driverlib、图形处理库Graphics Libra...
10、t;msp430f6638.h>法3.通过使用固件库driverlib配置GPIO引脚法配置寄存器法跑马灯#define P3P4_BASE_Address 0x0220#define BIT1 #define BIT2 #define BIT3 #define P4DIR #define P4OUT(0x0002) (0x0004) (0x0008)(*(volatile unsigned char*)(P3P4_BASE_Addressx05)(*(volatile unsigned char*)(P3...
• Driver library (MSP430DRIVERLIB): a foundational MSP430 software library that is useful for interfacing with all MSP430 core functions and peripherals, especially clocks and power. • Graphics library (MSP430-GRLIB): a library for interfacing MSP430 devices to dot-matrix LCD displays. Contains...
And, in "Project Explorer", by right clicking an active project and choose "Source - Apply Project Template", the "MSP430 DriverLab" option doesn't show up, as described in MSP430 DriverLib User Guide, page 23-24. When going to "Window - Preference - Code Composer Studio - Products", ...
3.1MSP430SoftwareLibraries:driverlibandtheUSBAPI...30 3.2ViewingtheCode...30 3.3ExampleProjectSoftwareOrganization...
ABSTRACT In sensing applications,operational amplifiers are often needed to condition (for example,to amplify and filter)the analog sensor output so that it can be properly sampled by the analog-to-digital converter (ADC)on the microcontroller (MCU).This application report provides a guide to set ...