We prove that evaluating a fixed monadic second order (MSO) query φ(X) (i.e. computing all the tuples that satisfy the MSO formula) in a binary tree is a Linear-Delay_(lin) problem. More precisely, we show that given a binary tree T and a tree automaton Γ representing an MSO ...
转发微博【转发】@王放_自然测量员:硕士研究生赵倩倩一作文章上线People and Nature!这是一篇我们一直非常期待的研究论文,有好多“反常规”的特质:1.作为科研论文,文章却以吉卜力工作室电影的台词开头!因为《...
我意识到必须自己买饮料了,格外沮丧,倒不是心疼那三块钱,而是觉得被排斥在我、赵欢、张深的小团体之外了——事实上这个小团体已经土崩瓦解了,心中不由得升起对赵欢的愤怒。好小子,你他妈敢不给我买饮料,还他娘的甩脸子!行!等会到了球场上,我整死你! 我比他高,比他壮,在篮球场上撞他几个轱辘子不成...