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Maddowblog Did Rachel really say that? Spot checking and sometimes debunking quotes and memes ascribed to Rachel Maddow. Newsletter Newsletter: A mix of MaddowBlog posts and show clips sent to your inbox daily Get daily email updates about highlights from the show and the Maddowblog archive The ...
More about the MSNBC Rachel Maddow Show airing weeknights at 9 PM. Watch Rachel Maddow tonight or online with updated video & episodes at MSNBC.
美国MSNBC主持人Rachel Maddow介绍完中国的防疫经验后吐槽,白宫天天都有所谓好消息传来,说呼吸机充足口罩很多,现实是——她的同事Larry Edgeworth刚因新冠去世,丧事喜办是美国传统——君不见总统现在还说:“不久我们就会庆祝伟大的胜利”。毕竟,没人比川川更懂新冠 ,这也许就是人生吧。#美国病毒猎手确诊新冠肺炎##...
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow offered a stunning rebuke of her own network Monday night over the firing of her liberal colleague Joy Reid, who just had her final show.
拉姆·马杜(Rachel Maddow)团队被解雇,是因为他们同时负责马杜秀和亚历克斯·瓦格纳(Alex Wagner)的节目,而当马杜将主持日缩减至每周一,瓦格纳则从周二到周五主持时,这种工作方式出现了问题。目前,Maddow为特朗普政府的前100天主持每周五晚的节目,但当她于4月21日仅回归周一的节目,并开始进行节目调整时,前...
MSNBC on Tuesday announced its coverage plans for the highly anticipated testimony of former FBI Director James Comey to the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday, but its biggest star, Rachel Maddow, is noticeably absent from the network’s on-air r
【假装在现场】左媒MSNBC的Rachel Maddow和其他顶级主播并没有去密尔沃基参加共和党全国代表大会,而是通过LED屏幕显示他们在现场。福克斯新闻引述纽约时报的报道称,"粗略一瞥屏幕"会让人以为MSNBC的主持人正...