Trump’s trade war with Canada will come at a high cost for the American people ali velshi MSNBC Daily Understand today’s news 1 I’m a former U.S. intelligence officer. Trump's Ukraine betrayal will have terrible consequences. Marc Polymeropoulos 2 White evangelicals overwhelmingly voted f...
“The postwar bipartisan consensus that the U.S. prospers by fostering cooperation and integration with allies and neighbors is gone. In its place looms the prospect of continuous trade war driven not by traditional alliances and ideology, but the priorities of the day …. He used a statute,...
Viktor Yanukovych holds a news conference in southern RussiaBy MSNBC staff, MSNBC staff LIVE VIDEO — Viktor Yanukovych holds a news conference in southern Russia.About Contact Help Careers MSNBC Store AD Choices Privacy Policy Cookie Notice CA Notice Terms of Service (Updated JULY 7, 2023) MSNBC...