Today, the MSN functions as a clearinghouse of information, and on a daily basis, Durney circulates online news articles, crime alerts, and subscribers’ comments from around the world and in a variety of languages...This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to ...
At the conductor’s first cry, he ceased his advance, got down from the step, and sat down at the stop, rubbing his whisker with the coin. But as soon as the conductor pulled the cord and the cars started, the tom proceeded to do what anyone else would who had been expelled from ...
there aren’t any hooks either, and if there aren’t any hooks, then the whole idea goes to pieces. And that too is hard to believe because, if they’re not going to drag me down to hell, what justice is there in the world?
Justice Clarence Thomas Monday broke his10-year spanof asking no questions during Supreme Court oral argument in a case about gun rights. And he did it in a big way, asking ten questions of a Justice Department lawyer who was defending a federal law that bans anyone who has a misdemeanor ...
Clarifies current law and codifies court decisions that the conduct of buyers who “solicit” and “patronize” commercial sex with a child are committing the crime of sex trafficking. Buyers of sex acts with children fuel the sex trafficking markets; without demand, traffickers will lose their pr...
Simona Kinderytė and Miglė Miliūtė 13 5 Share ADVERTISEMENT There are arguably as many beautiful creatures in the world as there are creepy ones. But since they’re not as pleasant to look at, the latter might not appear on your news feed as often as puppies or kittens do. ...
Since Gray's death, residents have taken to the streets daily to demand answers. Additional reporting by NBC News' Elisha Fieldstadt and msnbc's David Taintor.
* Trump's former campaign chairman remainsin the news: "Paul J. Manafort, President Trump's former campaign chairman, recently filed financial reports with the Justice Department showing that his lobbying firm earned nearly $17 million for two years of work for a Ukrainian political party with ...
"The biggest impediment to civil rights and employment in our country is a criminal record," Paul told PBS' "NewsHour" Tuesday. "People can't get a job because they have to check off a box saying they're a felon," he said this week, "I want people to work." ...
Update: NBC News' Benjy Sarlinjokedthis morning, "I’m sure the next prosecutor to hear the defense tell jurors 'even the president says this should be illegal' is going to be just psyched about the law-and-order presidency."