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Google, Facebook has been blocked from the Chinese government for decades. Many bigger companies, such as Yahoo, had forced to disclose user information due to political pressure (see As ...
34% to 19%, in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. A month ago, Biden led Warren by a smaller margin, 24% to 18%. Bernie Sanders was third in the latest poll with 16%, down a point since CNN's September poll. ...
Jonathan Alter, Bloomberg View/msnbc Political Analyst Ryan Grim, Washington Bureau Chief, The Huffington Post (@ryangrim) GUESTS Peter Hart, NBC News/WSJ Pollster Sasha Issenberg, Author, “The Victory Lab” (@sissenberg) REPORTER Luke Russert, NBC News (@lukerussert)...
First Read is a morning briefing from Meet the Press and the NBC Political Unit on the day's most important political stories and why they matter. Is Trump on the Verge of his Biggest Victory Yet? Three days to go until Saturday's Republican primary in South Carolina, and all of the po...
“I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness,” he said, which has been a theme of his campaign. The candidate has alsocalledDemocratic front-runner Hillary Clinton "shrill," and made a derogatory comment about his Republican opponent Carly Fiorina’s appearance. ...
voice of the national Republican Party continued to use the imputation of homosexuality as a political weapon, I would identify those members of the party who chose to benefit from this tactic while concealing their own sexual orientation. I would out them if I had to. It was big news.” ...
Christie's campaign has been struggling in a political environment that is favoring the least experienced politicians and more conservative rhetoric.