高达WIKI>全机体资料>机动战士高达(0079)机体>MSN-02吉翁号 吉翁号的介绍 吉翁号 无论是MS-06Z塞可缪搭载实验型扎古,还是MSN-01塞可缪运用试验用扎古,都只能算是实验用机体,只有继承了它们实验数据的MSN-02 吉翁号(Zeong)才称得上是吉翁军真正的NewType专用MS。
The MSN-03-2 Great Zeong is a mobile suit developed by the Principality of Zeon appearing in SD Gundam G Generation games. The unit is the successor of the MSN-02 Zeong. The Great Zeong is a very large and very powerful Mobile Suit. A variant of the MSN-