MSMQ - It's one of those technologies that was huge in the desktop/server space, but little known on Windows Mobile. Push data into a queue and another server of process can deal with it. With Windows Mobile 5.0, we added some cool support to allow sending over HTTP and building i...
Deprecated Features in Windows Vista Notifications Notifications Msvm_ShutdownComponent Methods Msvm_VirtualSwitchManagementService class Notifications Notifications Notifications Notifications Toolbar Controls Retrieving the Lookup Identifier of a Message PROPID_M_LOOKUPID ActivityCollection.System.Collections.Generic....
Patents. Microsoft has patents that might cover your implementations of the technologies described in the Open Specifications documentation. Neither this notice nor Microsoft's delivery of this documentation grants any licenses under those patents or any other Microsoft patents. However, a given Open Spe...
thebeardgrammer commented Oct 11, 2017 Cookbook version 6.7.3 Chef-client version 13.5.3 Platform Details Windows 2012R2 Scenario: When using the site resource, I am unable to allow for other types of bindings (net.msmq). As the property only allows for http, https, or ftp. Steps to ...
This object is present in AD DS only. name: msmq-Send rightsGuid: 06bd3202-df3e-11d1-9c86-006008764d0e appliesTo:
That's all the sender has to do to tell MSMQ to send the message via SOAP and HTTP. (Note that you can't open a queue for receive using the HTTP format name in Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP SP2.) Similarly, the sample recipient shown in Figure 13 execut...
Patents. Microsoft has patents that might cover your implementations of the technologies described in the Open Specifications documentation. Neither this notice nor Microsoft's delivery of this documentation grants any licenses under those patents or any other Microsoft patents. However, a given Open Spe...
In the details, you can select to install Active Directory integration, MSMQ Triggers (a COM-based service technology), and HTTP support (MSMQ 3.0 only, on Windows Server™ 2003 and Windows XP), along with the basic queuing functionality. You will want to install the independent client (...
Run Setup from the \MSMQ\MQMail\exchconn\setup folder on the Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition 4.0 Components CD. ClickContinue. ClickInstall. InChoose Server, type the computer name of the Microsoft Exchange Server the connector will use, and then clickContinue. ...
BookProgramming WCF Services is the authoritative, bestselling introduction to Microsoft's unified platform for developing service-oriented applications (SOA) on Windows. 12 years ago by O'Reilly Media Transactions made easy with .NET 2.0 CodeOne of the more significant improvement in .NET 2.0 is ...