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$ uglifyjs example.js -c -m --mangle-props var x={o:0,_:1,l:function(){return this._+this.o}};x.t=2,x.o=3,console.log(x.l()); Mangle all properties except for reserved properties: $ uglifyjs example.js -c -m --mangle-props reserved=[foo_,bar_] var x={o:0,foo_:...
AleksandrAlbertchanged the titledotntet cli does not embed csdl,msl, or ssdl filesdotnet cli does not embed csdl,msl, or ssdl files @livarcoccThe dotnet cli should manage all this itself, perhaps calling msbuild/platform extensions as needed. This is fragmenting our CI scripts because a .sl...
There are three types of magazines, 1 mailslot which has 2 grab locations, 3 mailslots which has 1 grab location just like the right magazine and a dot in the lower right corner, and no mailslots which looks just like the 3 mailslot but without a dot in the corner.Does the library ...
m1[1][1] = m[1][1] * a; m1[1][2] = m[1][2] * a; m1[2][0] = m[2][0] * a; m1[2][1] = m[2][1] * a; m1[2][2] = m[2][2] * a; 如下的 向量*矩阵: float3 u = v * m; 其计算过程是: u.x = dot(v, m[0]); // m[0]表示第0列向量 ...
hMSL1/hMSL2 heterodimer is reported to ubiquitinate histone H2B on Lys34 (H2BK34ub), which promotes transcription activation by stimulating the activities of MLL/SET1 family H3K4 methyltransferases and the H3K79 methyltransferase DOT1L. In addition, both hMSL1 and hMOF are reported to be ...
[n],levelBlack,levelWhite,levelGamma, msl_info->exception); break; } } case 'M': case 'm': { if (LocaleCompare((const char *) tag,"magnify") == 0) { Image *magnify_image; /* Magnify image. */ if (msl_info->image[n] == (Image *) NULL) { ThrowMSLException(OptionE...