DTM9435_13 Shelf life of 12 months BOM PCB PCBA SMT 3D Printing CNC Mechatronic8N4DV85LC-0170CDI8 Shelf life of 12 months BOM PCB PCBA SMT 3D Printing CNC MechatronicJHB12864BSGPEGNUA Shelf life of 12 months BOM PCB PCBA SMT 3D Printing CNC MechatronicVCO190-550T Shelf life of 12 mont...
2、元件受潮判断方法 2.1、查看是否超过了有效存储时间(Shelf Life) 2.2、查看是否超过了最大暴露时间(Floor Life) 2.3、通过肉眼或者放大镜检查元器件金属表面是否氧化 2.4、用HIC卡测试元器件存储环境 湿敏变色指示卡 普通的湿显卡含钴禁止出口欧盟只适合国内使用 例如普通湿显卡:如果圆圈内的颜色从蓝色变化到粉红色...
2. Shelf life of devices in a sealed bag is 12 months at <40ºC and <90% room humidity (RH). 3. Upon opening of MBB, the HIC should be checked immediately; devices require baking before board mounting if the HIC is >10% when read at 23ºC ±5ºC. 4. After MBB is ...
shelf lifeshelf life of potato chipsshelf life of tomato ketchupcashews shelf life4-23619-8 Shelf life of 12 months BOM PCB PCBA SMT 3D Printing CNC MechatronicNF10AA0250MHL Shelf life of 12 months BOM PCB PCBA SMT 3D Printing CNC MechatronicBC327-25-TIP-J Shelf life of 12 months ...
3)需进行真空封装。3.包装标识 1)外包装一般都印有防湿潮包装或DRYPACK,或贴纸上印有MSL级别。2)一般防潮包装袋(MBB)印有防潮标志(如下图所示)。注:也有个别供应商无此防潮标识 4.湿度指示卡 湿度指示卡有3个湿度级数指示圆圈(图1~3)15% 30% 40% 10% 20% 30% 5% 10% 20% 图1 图2 图3...
Dear Sumit, I have attached a document that outlines the shelf life for each model defined by Infineon. This document applies to all products supplied by Infineon Technologies and includes the MSL-related data for every module. Please find the attachment. ...
1.MSL(MoistureSensitiveLevel)是潮湿敏感级别的意思。2.根据有关标准,MSL分为1、2、2a、3、4、5、5a、6等级数。一般来说级数越大,物料对潮温的敏感度越大,物料发挥越易吸潮。 MSL防潮物料封装前的处理及包装方法 1.防潮包装袋(MoistureBarrierBag—MBB) 1)防潮包装袋是专门为制约...
1.MSL(MoistureSensitiveLevel)是潮湿敏感级别的意思。2.根据有关标准,MSL分为1、2、2a、3、4、5、5a、6等级数。一般来说级数越大,物料对潮温的敏感度越大,物料发挥越易吸潮。---精品文档--- MSL防潮物料封装前的处理及包装方法 1.防潮包装袋(MoistureBarrierBag—MBB)1)防潮包装袋是专门为制约水气...
SkyTraq’s factory. The packing uses a Moisture Barrier Bag (MBB). A Humidity Indicator Card (HIC) and drying desiccant are included inside the MBB. A MSL 3 label is attached to caution that the bag contains moisture sensitive devices. 2. Shelf life of devices in a sealed bag is 12 ...
防潮物料的储存:,1.无论是什么级别的物料,在没有拆防潮包装袋的情况下,在环境温度40和温度90%(有些物料要求温度30)的条件下,都可存放12个月(这个时间是从封装日期开始到拆开防潮包装时间叫Shelf Life)。如果这个时间超过,可能需烘烤(看具体的物料要求)。 2.当拆开防潮包装袋后,其存放环境及时间规定如下(在这...