第四部分 CD,Check Digit,验证码,由前14位数字通过 Luhn算法计算得出。 第五部分 SVN,Software Version Number,软件版本号, 区分同型号手机出厂时使用的不同软件版本,仅在部分品牌的部分机型中存在。 IMEI 在模块端显示 15 位,是 14 位 IMEI 号+1 位校验位。 IMEI 为 14 位的国际终...
Verified MSISDN Share: An operator provides the MSISDN allowing the Service Provider to carry out their own check. How does it work? The Service Improver places a request with the user’s Operator via the Mobile Connect OIDC API to access the ATP service. The SP will request either the Veri...
FAC码用于生产商内部区分生产地代码。 第三部分 SNR,Serial Number,序列号,由第9位开始的6位数字组成,区分每部手机的生产序列号。 第四部分 CD,Check Digit,验证码,由前14位数字通过Luhn算法计算得出。 第五部分 SVN,Software Version Number,软件版本号,区分同型号手机出厂时使用的不同基带软件版本,仅在部分品牌...
Create account for SMS messagingCheck integrations Search MSISDN MSISDN (Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network number) is the technical term used to describe a mobile number in international format. However, the MSISDN is not a direct mapping to a mobile handset, or even to the SIM...
SN = Subscriber Number For example, in Switzerland, you would dial 079-383-4315 to call a mobile phone. In the MSISDN format, you would dial 41793834315 Adding the country code and getting rid of the 0 before the mobile phone. Check out our Phone Country Code List if you are not sure...