MSI Z390-A PRO INTEL MOTHERBOARD A solid foundation for your new powerhouse, this board is based on the Intel Z390 chipset and supports any 9th/8th generation Intel Core processor that has up to eight cores. With a plethora of slots and connectors including quad DIMMs, dual PCIe x16, ...
The Z390-A PRO LGA 1151 ATX Motherboard from MSI is built on the Intel Z390 chipset with an LGA 1151 socket designed for 8th- and 9th-generation Intel Core, Pentium Gold, and Celeron processors. It's equipped with four DDR4 memory slots that support a max of 64GB of 4400 MHz RAM,...
MSI PRO Z390-A PRO LGA 1151 (300 Series) Intel Z390 SATA 6Gb/s ATX Intel Motherboard (890)(29) Write a Review Intel Z390 Supports 9th/8th Gen Intel Core / Pentium Gold / Celeron processors for LGA 1151 socket DDR4 4400(OC)/ 4300(OC)/ 4266(OC)/ 4200(OC)/ 4133(OC)/ 400...
在购买微星 Z390-A PRO ATX主板时,价格是一个重要考量因素。该主板起价为699元,对于一款高性能主板来说,这个价格较为合理。然而,不同商家和平台可能会给出不同的价格,因此在购买前需要进行价格比较,选择最优惠的商家。同时,还应关注商家的信誉和售后服务。为了比较不同平台的价格和商家信誉,可...
msi 微星 Z390-A PRO 主板,作为目前微星商用系列中唯一一款Z390主板,在用料和设计上除了没有GAMING系列的丰富游戏元素,整体无短板。供电用料方面,都采用军规级5用料,配备了9相供电,由单8pin EPS外接辅助供电。规格方面,基于6层ATX板型,搭载Z390芯片组,配置四条4400+OC(最高64GB)内存槽。Z390-A PRO包括2条PC...
点击前往购买 综述介绍 参数 图片 视频 评价 报价 问答 排行 相似 热卖 优惠 可参加以下优惠活动 实名有礼 实名认证领苏宁支付券 详细参数 品牌:微星(msi)类别:英特尔型号:Z390-A PRO 平台类型:INTEL平台显卡插槽:2个磁盘列阵:不支持 前段总线/HT总线:其他CPU描述:其他板型结构:ATX(标准)...
Low Price For MSI Z390-A PRO Motherboard Professional Electronic Desktop Motherboard LGA 1151 DDR4 65GB, You can get more details about Low Price For MSI Z390-A PRO Motherboard Professional Electronic Desktop Motherboard LGA 1151 DDR4 65GB from mobile si
Z390-A PRO MASTER THE GAME MEG Series motherboards go beyond hardcore gaming with designs built for tremendous scalability, extreme overclocking, and maximum performance. This new category name succeeds the past MSI Enthusiast GAMING classification. Untold power can be obtained from two motherboards ...
Z490 A Pro Motherboard|Msi B450 Gaming Pro Carbon Max Wifi Atx Am4 Motherboard|LGA 1151 DDR4 Support:Optimized for Intel CPUs, this motherboard supports DDR4 memory, ensuring peak performance. ATX Mainboard Form Factor:With its ATX form factor, this motherboard offers ample space for expans...
本吧热帖: 1-微星B150M PRO-VDH主板点不亮问题 2-求助:微星H61M-E33(B3)主板升级bios失败 3-z690A和飓风2耳机不兼容 4-请问各位 微星Z490 GAMING PLUS 可以用金百达黑爵3600 内存吗? 5-更改内存频率电脑启动不了 6-微星 z790-p主板奇奇怪怪的问题,按开机闪一下就灭了 7-B