App 东京UP开箱在国内没有的MSI Z690 FORCE WIFI主板和海盗船 DDR5 5200HZ 白金统治者 内存就是贵啊 273 0 00:13 App 日本最近主板好物推荐不到680的微星b760m刀锋。可以带14700kf 14600kf 13600kf 12600kf有兴趣赶紧冲! 4.7万 6 00:09 App 日本4070ti发售简直就是智商检测。7500块买这个玩意 ...
bios不用更新的,x570原生支持三代锐龙。换内存,科赋假条事件爆发,不建议上,估计抽不到cjr的。上英睿达铂胜白马甲3000吧。 来自手机贴吧10楼2020-02-14 19:36 收起回复 cjcbw 龙啸寰宇 14 更新一下Bios,主板如果带的Bios比较古老的话,内存兼容性也不怎么样。瞅你那板子的Bios日期貌似不太新,虽然图片不够清晰...
X570-A PRO REGISTER NOW Register now for technical support How to flash the BIOS(SOP Download) Youtube: MSI® HOW-TO use M-FLASH for BIOS Please use the built-in decompression tool of Windows to extract the BIOS fileWe suggest using Chrome or Edge browser to download BIOS, Drivers, et...
MEG X570 UNIFY REGISTER NOW Register now for technical support How to flash the BIOS(SOP Download) Youtube: MSI® HOW-TO use M-FLASH for BIOS Please use the built-in decompression tool of Windows to extract the BIOS fileWe suggest using Chrome or Edge browser to download BIOS, Drivers,...
Quick Start Thank you for purchasing the MSI® MEG X570S UNIFY-X MAX motherboard. This Quick Start section provides demonstration diagrams about how to install your computer. Some of the installations also provide video demonstrations. Please link to the URL to watch it with the web browser ...
必须msi bios我觉得三家里最好了,手中的570 ace能完成我以前370完成不了的超频,而且看林大的视频觉得msi还是比较重视用户,不怕被打。 来自Android客户端6楼2020-08-03 22:56 回复 5950X 亢龙有悔 11 x570unify基本上你不会遇到什么瓶颈,微星家内存比unify强的只有godlike和某款还没发布的主板 来自Android...
只能等bios了。。说实话,现阶段入手主板的话,还是b550,如果对于扩展需求不大的朋友,x570真心不值得入手了。。又贵bios又拉。而且我朋友对比,也的确是微星在fclk的稳定性和上限都比华硕的好,在zen3上可以明显看出华硕对于bios的不用心。作为眼睛粉来说,这次是真的失 来自手机贴吧12楼2021-03-13 05:23 回复 ...
MEG X570 ACE REGISTER NOW Register now for technical support How to flash the BIOS(SOP Download) Youtube: MSI® HOW-TO use M-FLASH for BIOS Please use the built-in decompression tool of Windows to extract the BIOS fileWe suggest using Chrome or Edge browser to download BIOS, Drivers, ...
MEG X570 GODLIKE REGISTER NOW Register now for technical support How to flash the BIOS(SOP Download) Youtube: MSI® HOW-TO use M-FLASH for BIOS Please use the built-in decompression tool of Windows to extract the BIOS fileWe suggest using Chrome or Edge browser to download BIOS, Drivers...