GeForce RTX™ 4090 GAMING TRIO 24G WITH DLSS 3 The NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4090 is the ultimate GeForce GPU. It brings an enormous leap in performance, efficiency, and AI-powered graphics with DLSS 3. Experience ultra-high performance gaming, incredibly detailed virtual worlds with ray tra...
微星商城为NVIDIA 新一代RTX 40系列旗舰的RTX 4090准备了两款首发型号,分别属于旗下SUPRIM (超龙)和GAMING TRIO(魔龙) 系列,其中的SUPRIM款即本次评测的主角,全名MSI GeForce RTX 4090 SUPRIM X 24G,搭配了规…
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Gaming Trio Triple Fan 24GB GDDR6X PCIe 4.0 Graphics Card Play with style! GAMING is upgraded with TRI FROZR 3 to sustain intense performance during gaming and content creation. A high-speed style matches high-performance capabilities for...
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Gaming X Slim RGB Overclocked Triple Fan 24GB GDDR6X PCIe 4.0 Graphics Card GAMING SLIM series is a thinner variant of GAMING series while maintaining high performance capabilities and aggressive looks.Specs Product Information SKU 6162...
显卡芯片:GeForce RTX 4090 CUDA核心:16384个 显存类型:GDDR6X 显卡类型:发烧级 芯片厂商:NVIDIA 显示芯片系列:NVIDIA RTX 40系列 查看详细参数>> 产品简介:微星GeForce RTX 4090 GAMING X TRIO 24G,芯片厂商 NVIDIA,显卡芯片 GeForce RTX 4090,显示芯片系列 NVIDIA RTX 40系列,CUDA核心 16384个。
4090也可以更改为更合理的尺寸。RTX 4070 Ti Gaming Slim将占用2.5个插槽。所有卡现在都有一个三风扇冷却解决方案,带有MSI的Torx fan 5.0、多达八个热管和一个铜基板。高端机型的散热可能仍会在某种程度上得到改善。微星(MSI)魔龙 GeForce RTX 4090 GAMING X TRIO 24G 电竞游戏设计智能学习电脑独立显卡 ...
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Gaming Trio Triple Fan 24GB GDDR6X PCIe 4.0 Graphics Card Play with style! GAMING is upgraded with TRI FROZR 3 to sustain intense performance during gaming and content creation. A high-speed style matches high-performance capabilities for gamers ...
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Gaming Trio Triple Fan 24GB GDDR6X PCIe 4.0 Graphics Card Play with style! GAMING is upgraded with TRI FROZR 3 to sustain intense performance during gaming and content creation. A high-speed style matches high-performance capabilities for gamers ...
微星(MSI)魔龙 GeForce RTX 4090 GAMING X TRIO 24G 电竞游戏设计智能学习电脑独立显卡. 京东现价13999.0元,价格给力,喜欢的值友可以入手~ 英伟达 RTX 40系列显卡,基于 NVIDIA Ada Lovelce 架构,采用 TSMC 4N 定制工艺制程打
魔龙作为微星显卡的次旗舰系列,微星 魔龙 RTX 4090 GAMING X TRIO 延续了系列一贯的外观设计与高规格传统,拉丝纹理金属外壳与PCB背板,用料扎实。魔龙散热系统至TRI FROZR 3代,GAMING X TRIO 散热系统采用了刀锋7代风扇,并辅以升级版波浪鳍片、特制方形核心热管、大面积镀镍铜底座,有效帮助显卡稳定超高频率的长期运行...