MSI Opitx G27C4 gaming monitor. Equipped with 24 inch,1080p, 165Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time panel, the Optix G27C4 gaming monitor will redefine the rules of eSports tournament and build the the winner formula.
MSI Opitx G27C4 gaming monitor. Equipped with 24 inch,1080p, 165Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time panel, the Optix G27C4 gaming monitor will redefine the rules of eSports tournament and build the the winner formula.
商品名称:微星(MSI)Optix G27CQ4 商品编号:10051977527070 店铺: a axon_us海外官方旗舰店 货号:FBA-A/MSI/016-A2 屏幕刷新率:165Hz 分辨率:2560*1440 接口:DP,HDMI 面板:其他 售后服务:1年质保 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 京东平台卖家销售并发货的商品,由平台卖家提...
msi(微星)发布了一款27英寸电竞屏——Optix G27C4,是三年前微星首款电竞屏Optix G27C的升级版,采用全新外观设计,拥有更高曲率和刷新率以及超低响应,并支持AMDFreeSync“防撕裂”技术,不过就定位和配置而言依旧是针对主流玩家,近期有打算攒机的小伙伴们可关注。 外观大变样,采用全新磨具,边框更窄,支架没有红色配色...
)发布了一款面向主流级玩家的小尺寸曲面屏——Optix G27C5,是去年9月推出的G27C4升级版,采用新设计,配置规格优秀,采用三星VA曲面面板,色彩更好,同时还具有高刷新率和低延迟,对分辨率需要不高,但需要高刷新率和主流级A卡FPS/RPG游戏玩家可关注。 新款采用新磨具,屏幕边框更窄,背后重新设计更动感,不过仍没有RGB...
G27C4 27" 1080p 165Hz VA G27C5 27" 1080p 165Hz VA If you come across a different type of panel or your MSI Optix G272 doesn't correspond to our review, let us know, and we'll update the review. Note that some tests, like gray uniformity, may vary between individual units....
If you're on the lookout for a gaming monitor that's big, curved, has decent picture quality and a high refresh rate but isn't too taxing on your graphics card or wallet, MSI's new Optix G27C5 might be a decent option. The display is an update of last year's Optix G27C4 and,... 现有 MSI 27" 170Hz 1080P 1500R 曲面游戏显示器 G27C4 E2 ,现价$139.99(指导价$219.99)。 小编补充: 美国亚马逊此款目前活动售价139.99美元,约合人民币1,023.51元,近期好价,Prime会员美国境内免邮,需转运回国,感兴趣的值友可以入手。 注:此款商品只能转运,定位在中国会显示无货,需定位设置为美...
MSI 27' 165 Hz VA QHD Gaming Monitor FreeSync 2560 x 1440 2 x HDMI DisplayPort Optix G27CQ4 4,7 603,79 € MSI All in One 27" 00-AF8231-873 1.283,79 € MSI 00-Af8231-872 Monitor 27' Full HD 1.080,28 € MSI All in One AM272P 1M-894ES 27" ...