LEGEND Host Hosting the show Interviewer Interviewing the teams Translator Provides translation during Interviews for non-English speaking teams Analyst Analysis in-between matches, Pre- and Post-show PBP Play-by-Play Caster Color Color Caster Notice: Table shows main role on broadcast. ...
Fandom's League of Legends Esports wiki covers tournaments, teams, players, and personalities in League of Legends. Pages that were modified between April 2014 and June 2016 are adapted from information taken from Esportspedia.com. Pages modified between June 2016 and September 2017 are adapted fro...
[MSI战队巡礼]T1篇:黑玫瑰终将再次绽放由你C我就躺 发表在英雄联盟 英雄联盟季中冠军赛(League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational,简称:MSI),又称季中邀请赛,是Riot Games(拳头游戏)于2015年增加的国际性赛事,当时名为2015英雄联盟季中邀请赛,于2016年后更名为此名,每年5月份开赛。 该赛事是《英雄联盟》当中...
他打开面前的盒子,好奇地打量着里面的奖杯,用略显生硬的英语念着上面的文字:“League of legends,championship series,2015,spring split.”然后他看看工作人员,“I don’t know what is this.”当别人告诉他这是一个奖杯后,他还并不知道这个奖杯是给他的,他甚至不知道自己征战的LCS是League of Legend Championsh...
[4K] QUEENDAMI 2022 MSI League of Legends JANNA COSPLAY FANCAM http://t.cn/A6KTkykL
Sunday, November 19th, at 2:00 PM EST/ 11:00AM PDT Get your teams together and join us for a 5 vs 5 League of Legend online tournament! Participants will be entered in our registeration raffle draw for a chance to win a Intel®13thGEN Core i9 Processor or an NVDIA®GeForce®RTX...
Bebe and Betty, the Taiwanese legend of BBebe和Betty,台湾B的传奇Your forgot Baple你落下了BapleBwordArtToo bad Barsa left.还有BwordArt,就是可惜Barsa不在了KZ Khan: "All top laners of the world, come bow down in front of me and kneel." Hanabi: "LUL"KZ Khan:“全世界所有的上单啊,...
not just wait till the unevitable.——向EVOS致意,我知道他们会输,但是他们在努力去赢,而不是等死。Last time i saw 5 people fucked by tentacles, it wasnt on league.——上一次我看到5个人被触手蹂躏,可不是在LOL里。when koreans are in a pinch they will get the triple infernal rng —...
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