MSI 微星 GT70 Dominator Pro 统治者系列 笔记本$1876.81 购买渠道 美国亚马逊 爆料人: jeanneluan 15-06-10发布 美亚报价$1876.81,17.3寸游戏本,1080P,I7-4930MX处理器,32G DDR内存,1T机械硬盘+384SSD,GTX880M显卡,赛睿键盘。京东比这差一档次的GT70也要17999了。 小编注:对于这个级别而言,880的显卡确实...
GT 70 2PC Dominator 擁有 17.3 吋 全高清防反光屏幕,支援像素為 1,920 x 1,080 ,其防反光屏幕有效減低不同光源的反光問題,令用家於光猛環境下仍可見清晰細緻的畫面顯示。另外,為令用家能更投入遊戲世界, GT70 2PC Dominator 提供 Matrix display 多屏幕輸出功能,內建三組輸出介面包括 D-Sub 、 HDMI 1.4 ...
For MSI GT63VR For MSI GT72 GT740 GT740X 2PE Dominator Pro, 2QE Dominator Pro, 2QD Dominator, 6QD Dominator G, 2QE Dominator Pro G, 2PC Dominator, 2QD Domiantor G MSI GT72S 6QE Dominator Pro G, 6QE Dominator Pro G MSI GT72VR 6RE Dominator Pro, 6RD Dominator Pro Tobii, 6RE...
Intel Core i7 4710HQ 17.00 inch, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 pixels 3.8kg Intel Core i7 4710HQ 8192 MB 17.30 inch, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 pixels 3.79kg 2700 euro Intel Core i7 4710HQ 17.30 inch, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 pixels 1.8kg 1900 euro ...
As a world leading gaming brand, MSI is the most trusted name in gaming and eSports. We stand by our principles of breakthroughs in design, and roll out the amazing gaming gear like motherboards, graphics cards, laptops and desktops.
MSI GT70 Dominator-895 Compiled ReviewWritten by Titus Hoskins If you're contemplating buying a gaming laptop in the near future, not considering an MSI notebook should be classified as a major crime. MSI gaming laptops offer great style and great value for your money. That's why we have ...
GT70 2PC Dominator REGISTER NOW Register now for technical support We suggest using Chrome or Edge browser to download BIOS, Drivers, etc. TitleVersionRelease DateFile Size Download BIOSE1763IMS.31D2015-07-303.09 MB Description: Add "Intel Virtualization Technology" option on BSU. ...
MSI GT72 6QE Dominator Pro G Price MSI GT72 2QD Components Upgrade Price MSI GT73VR Components Upgrade Price MSI GT70 2PC Components Upgrade Price MSI GT70 2OD Components Upgrade Price MSI GT70 2PE Components Upgrade Price
Gallery: MSI GT70 GTX 880M Edition There’s a benefit to this particular configuration of course: the starting price is only $1900, so even after adding your own 256GB SSD you’re still looking at a price of less than $2100. As an alternative, there’s another GT70 that comes with ...
MSI GT70 2PC Dominator 採用高階規格, Intel Core i7-4800MQ 處理器屬於第四代 Core 行動處理器系列,內建 4 核心 8 線程運算,最高能夠以 3.7GHz 時脈運算,內建 6MB Intel Smart Cache ,支援 64bit 以及 SSE4.1/4.2 、 AVX 2.0 指令集,兼容 DDR3L-1333 以及 1600 記憶體時脈及 32GB 容量。