5. How to uninstall the MSI with msiexec using the ProductCode (also known as Product GUID) If you know the ProductCode, you can use that to uninstall your application. The command line is similar to the one above. The only difference is that you use the ProductCode instead of the path ...
Hi everyone, I have developed an installation and uninstall application with supersedence for SPLUNK with the following MSI command line: Install msiexec.exe /i splunkforwarder-6.3.3-x64-release.msi RECEIVING_INDEXER="IndexServ:9997" DEPLOYMENT_SERVER="DPServ:8089" WINEVENTLOG_SEC_ENABLE=1 WINEV...
For example, let’s uninstall an application named "ExampleApp". First, we use the `Get-WmiObject` cmdlet to search for the installed application. Here's how you might structure the PowerShell command: $app = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object { $_.Name -match "ExampleApp...
Set theMSIUNINSTALLSUPERSEDEDCOMPONENTSproperty to 1 in theProperty tableor on a command line. When this property has been set to 1, the installer determines whether the components in any superseded patches are becoming redundant. The installer can unregister and uninstall redundant components to preve...
In general, we’ve taken the approach of preserving configuration data on the system when doing an upgrade, uninstall or reinstall. To fully clean out a system make sure to delete the confdir and vardir. ...
Silent uninstalls A silent removal runs without any dialog boxes to show the user that the removal is running. All products use the same command line and the same installer file for silent updates: msiexec /x {[Package Name | Product Code]} /qn Note You must include the braces in the...
/R -- rollback mode, selects option to rollback on uninstall /U -- like automatic mode, but gives all choices other than custom/automatic title window title can be at the end of the command line Example: unwise.exe /S c:myprogramdirectoryinstall.log ...
Example: command line to uninstall Origin 2025 MSI installation: To uninstall Origin 2025 MSI installation: msiexec /x {39523616-D96E-4717-AB05-31C8412B1C56} /passive Support FAQs Maintenance Center Help Center ─────────────── ...
In general, we’ve taken the approach of preserving configuration data on the system when doing an upgrade, uninstall or reinstall. To fully clean out a system make sure to delete the confdir and vardir. Similarly, the MSI will not overwrite the custom facts written to the PuppetLabs\facter...
/R -- rollback mode, selects option to rollback on uninstall /U -- like automatic mode, but gives all choices other than custom/automatic title window title can be at the end of the command line Example: unwise.exe /S c:myprogramdirectoryinstall.log ...