The MSI Center takes optimization to the next level with easily adjustable system modes and resources for a wide range of scenarios and needs.
In addition, MSI Center added ”Hardware Diagnosis” and“Performance Analysis”. From now on, no matter which MSI laptops you own, you could use both of them in MSI Center. You are able to check the status of hardware and performance to have a basic analysis of the issues you may encou...
27 General Settings Go to MSI Center [Features > General Settings] and you can enable/disable some general settings in this page. Functions listed here may differ from model to model. 1. Windows Key: Enable or disable Windows Key on the keyboard. 2. Switch Key: Click to switch the...
Go to MSI Center [Features > General Settings] and you can enable/disable some general settings in this page. For example, enabling or disabling the Windows key on the keyboard, enabling or disabling the camera head function, selecting MSHybrid graphics mode or discrete graphics mode, etc. Not...
MSI Center主畫面一覽,可看到各項硬體偵測數據,而預設採用白色介面。 介面可更換為暗色模式。 除了預設的功能,玩家可於功能集內安裝更多程式。 全部安裝完成後,於Features內有「Gaming Mode」、「Smart Priority」、「User Scenario」、「General Settings」、「Game Highlights」、「Mystic Light」、「Smart Image Finder...
1. Ensure that the latest MSI Center is installed on the system. 2. Launch MSI Center. 3. Go to Features > General Settings. 4. Click on the drop-down menu for the GPU Switch and select the preferred graphics mode. Note: Supported graphics modes will vary by model. ...
General Settings Here are some functions that you can modify on your laptop ●Windows key:To avoid pressing the windows key unintentionally. For example, when you're gaming you can also stop the Windows and function key around if you like. ...
(用户场景) 12 选择用户场景 12 OC 选项 13 General Settings (常规设置) 15 Monitor (监视器) 16 Game Highlights 17 如何将精彩游戏重播分享到社交媒体 18 如何删除游戏影片 19 安装 MSI Companion 20 配置 MSI Companion 22 如何发现 MSI Companion 24 设置 Game Highlights 25 True Color 27 True Color ...
msi主板设置 一、SETTINGS(芯片组功能设置)点击“SETTING”按钮进入功能设置。SETTINGS共有四项:System Status(系统状态),Advanced(高级),Boot(启动),Save & Exit(保存&退出)。1-1、System Status(系统状态)系统状态显示出系统连接的SATA设备(硬盘、光驱、SSD等存储设备),处理器信息,BIOS版本,安装的...
1. 将您的鼠标光标移动到任务栏中的LAN图标,然后右击选择[Open Network and Sharing Center] (打开网络和共享中心)。 2. 选择 [Change adapter settings] (更改适配器设置)。 3. 右键单击[Ethernet] (以太网)从下拉菜单中选择 [Properties] (属性)。 4. 在以太网属性窗口中,选择 [Networking] (网络)选项卡...