這次開箱的是 MSI 在 B650 晶片組型號中的頂規定位主板 MP B650 CARBON WIFI,這次 MSI 在 AMD B650 並沒有推出 UNIFY 系列,因此 CARBON 就成為了 B650 中最高階的型號,B650 CARBON 有著 16+2+1 Duet Rail Power System (DRPS) VRM 供電架構,有著充足的供電性能帶動 AMD 旗艦處理器Ryzen 9 7950X...
之前ASUS 曝光了 TUF B760M BTF 採用背部 IO 設計,而 MSI 稍早前也有 Project Zero 採用相同原理,最近有實體型號曝光 B650M APE WiFi ,採用 AMD B650 晶片組。 MSI B650M APE WiFi 有黑白兩種顏色,主要在正面散熱器的顏色差異, IO 連接線接口的部分都移到了背部,主要用意就是讓正面保持無接線,當然顯卡用...
With years of experience, MSI is no stranger to building high-performance motherboards. Their R&D and engineering teams have reviewed countless designs, evaluated a wide selection of high quality components, and developed products for reliability, even under extreme conditions. The B550 GAMING GEN 3...
I bought a B550 Gaming Carbon Wifi, and it flashed first try, and I also saw on reddit that many others were experiencing similar issues, so if it isn't working for you, I would recommend you return it and get a new board. - Anonymous posted on 12/10/...
I bought a B550 Gaming Carbon Wifi, and it flashed first try, and I also saw on reddit that many others were experiencing similar issues, so if it isn't working for you, I would recommend you return it and get a new board. - Anonymous posted on 12/10/2020 Write A Review Customer ...
基本上也可以把這張視為是 B760M MORTAR MAX WIFI 的背插版,規格上是大同小異,價格也相同。 最近有不少機殼都已有支援背插式主板,當然如果你有想要裝個套裝也是可以,MSI 也有相應的背插式機殼產品,如支援 M-ATX 主機板的 MAG PANO M100 PZ ,或者可支援到 ATX、E-ATX 的 MEG MAESTRO 700L PZ 。
但高貴的價格已經不是一般市井小民能夠負擔,所以真正會在主流市場大賣的型號,依照上一代的定位,是接替GTX 550系列的650才對,而且當時的GTX 550系列幾乎每張出來的都是超頻版的,這個傳統在650上面應該也是會延續著,這次拿到的MSI GTX 650的確也是原廠超頻的版本,接下來我們就一起來看看這張NVIDIA主流顯示卡的介紹吧...
I bought a B550 Gaming Carbon Wifi, and it flashed first try, and I also saw on reddit that many others were experiencing similar issues, so if it isn't working for you, I would recommend you return it and get a new board. - Anonymous posted on 12/10/2020 Write A Review...
I bought a B550 Gaming Carbon Wifi, and it flashed first try, and I also saw on reddit that many others were experiencing similar issues, so if it isn't working for you, I would recommend you return it and get a new board. - Anonymous posted on 12/10/2020 Write A Review...
MSI X870E Carbon Wifi 主機板 ohmy 11/1/24 新型AMD CPU 及相關主板測試 回覆 0 人氣 6,401 11/1/24 ohmy 白化M-ATX 鋼鐵傳奇 B850M Steel Legend WiFi 開箱 x3dfx 2/3/25 新型AMD CPU 及相關主板測試 回覆 0 人氣 2,047 2/3/25 x3dfx 「絕美佳人,冰釋前嫌!」B650E AORUS ...