RTSS调OSD字体大小位置 Afterburner改CPU型号显示设置 红框里4项 如下设置: (选中第一个,按住shift 点第四个) 勾选Override group name填CPU型号 Afterburner改显卡型号显示设置 红框里4项 如下设置: (选中第一个,按住shift 点第四个) 勾选Override group name填显卡型号 CS 2(csgo)小飞机正常显示 需要添加 ...
首先介绍一下MSI Afterburner,俗称“微星小飞机”。看名字大家应该知道它是微星科技出品的,但其实无论你买哪家的硬件,都可以装上它一起愉快玩耍。官网下载地址—— 微星中国cn.msi.com/page/afterburner 这是一款显卡助手,但它集成了一个叫RivaTuner的玩意儿,安装的时候会提示你选择性安装(遗憾的是不像主软件...
显卡超频-MSI A..显卡型号:微星 GTX 1060-6G GAMING X红线1:调整显卡频率红线2:调整显存频率只调试这两个core voltage(调整显卡电压)power limit(调整显卡功耗限制)temp
清风飘雨 超频加压 2 msi afterburner的temp limit锁上了能解开吗,显卡gtx850m 清风飘雨 超频加压 2 自顶 登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示1...
To start undervolting, on the left side of the main MSI Afterburner window, click the monitor heartbeat icon or press Ctrl+M. With the window up you can see the real-time GPU temp and voltage graphs, though you may need to select or re-arrange the entries as outlined in theHardware...
Hi guys, I was wondering if there is a fix which would make MSI afterburner CPU temperature more accurate. MSI is displaying my 3900x spiking between 55 and 62 Celcius, while Ryzen master displays 45-46 celsius. I really like MSI Afterburner because it g
Temp limit--温度上限Power limit--功耗上限Voltage limit--电压上限CPU temperature--CPU温度(123456等代表每个线程)CPU usage--CPU占用率(123456等代表每个线程)CPU clock--CPU频率(123456等代表每个线程)CPU power--CPU功耗RAM usage--内存使用率Frametime--帧生成时间Framerate Min--最小帧数Framerate Avg--...
Clicking on the Plugins tab shows two entries, with the very useful OverlayEditor. Double-click to open, and the OSD shows without a game or benchmark running. But it blocks adjusting zoom and other settings in the main RTSS window. However, clicking on MSI Afterburner, and back in the ...
MSI Afterburner is a handy overclocking utility for graphics cards that includes a GPU/Shader/Memory clock adjustment, advanced fan speed, and GPU voltage control.A Beta version is also available. To show the graphics card operating status more accurately, Afterburner provides a complete monitoring...
Msi afterburner ver: rivatuner 7.3.3 No gpu OC, no CPU OC, no ram OC. Click to expand... Forgot to post an update, it wasnt msi afterburner or a nvidia driver, the issue was a faulty memory module that died with less than 6 month of use (corsair vengeance lpx) ...