(选中链接 右键点 “转到...”) MSI Afterburner(官网链接) www.msi.com/Landing/afterburner/graphics-cards 微星小飞机安装时显示: ■ MSI Afterbumer □Norton 360 for Gamer (去掉“诺顿”) 微星小飞机安装详细步骤 打开zip文件→解压→双击.exe安装包 软件安装文件夹名字 不能带中文 Afterburner安装教程...
MSI Afterburner 4.6.6 download - Guru3D and MSI have been working hard on AfterBurner, we released an updated Beta revision of Afterburner; this application successfully secured the leading position on graphics card utilities in relation to monitoring an
1、初次使用 点击桌面图标打开软件 初始界面如下 软件基本常识: 1、软件正常情况下会启动两个程序,一个为MSIAfterburner,一个为RivaTuner Statistics Server(简称RTSS)。MSIAfterburner会弹出操作界面,RTSS会隐藏在win10右下角任务栏中。两个软件点击最小化会隐藏进右… ...
关于msi afte..此贴针对对于使用msi afterburner的用户们遇到意外例如GPU频率显存频率以及电压设置不当失误点了应用按钮且在此之前开启了开机自动启动本应用和自动应用最后应用的设置导致 开机超频设置不当死循
Due to you I will not support Guru3d or MSI afterburner, besides MSi afterburner sucks and crashes all the time, blue screens, artifacts, tearing, lagging, stuttering, you name it this program pretty much has the bug I would recommend not installing this or ever using it... whoever wrote...
http://download.msi.com/uti_exe/vga/MSIAfterburnerSetup.zip因为只是单个文件,直接在压缩包里双击即可安装 可见TV Core 14 然后就一路下一步安装结束后会有再安装一个软件,看图表就知道了这个软件就是左上角显示帧数和硬件参数的插件,必须安装 可见TV Core 14 然后一路下一步,最后会问你是否重启可以选择...
MSI Afterburner (MSIAfterburner.exe). MSI Afterburner is an overclocking utility developed for Windows.
Hello guys, i cannot found thread of msi afterburner 4.6 beta 11, can i ask here? i have visual C++ error, event_id 1000 and these: MSIOCScanner_x64.exe 5c222a32 MSVCR90.dll 9.0.30729.9518 5b6909cf 40000015 0000000000042686 2e64 01d4b676cedd96c0 C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI...
Installing MSI Afterburner is a straightforward process that can be completed in a couple of minutes. Go to theMSI Afterburnerofficial websiteanddownloadthe application. After you've downloaded the file, runMSIAfterburnerSetup.exeas an administrator, and then pressNext. ...
2. Run Afterburner (2.1.0 or above version) 3. Run "MSIAfterburnerRemoteServer.exe" to open up the RemoteServer 4. Verify that the remoteServer is running in background 5. Run Afterburner APP on iOS device 6. Enter the system IP (you can find ip over RemoteServer) into the IP set...