I'm curious, while I understand that Afterburner needs to be running in the background in order for the custom fan and OC profiles to work, does it need to keep in constant contact with the video card in order for it to retain the profiles? You're misunderstanding fundamental thing. AB...
MSI Afterburner 4.6.6 download - Guru3D and MSI have been working hard on AfterBurner, we released an updated Beta revision of Afterburner; this application successfully secured the leading position on graphics card utilities in relation to monitoring an
@Unwinder I've wanted to ask: Is there something about how nVidia drivers/BIOSes work on RTX 3K limiting the maximum power draw below manual settings, or is it potentially something that can be changed/improved in Afterburner? For example my TUF 3080 OC can be set to +~10% power...
Note: I'm not using MSI Afterburner for OC, only for custom fan profiles and temp monitoring The sound can be described as a distinct HDD write sound...
Hello, I sometimes have a problem with MSI Afterburner where the manual and custom fan curve of my GPU don't want to work for some seemingly inexplicable reason and I can't figure out how to solve this problem. GPU: MSI RTX 2080TI Gaming X Trio Motherboa
I am trying to run the NVIDIA scanner on MSI Afterburner using the OC scanner. This happens every time at 9 or 10 seconds into the scan. Any ideas as to what code 3 is? 18:23:28 Connected to MSI Afterburner control interface v2.3 18:23:40 GPU1 : VEN_10DE&DEV_1E82&SUBSYS_85521...
MSI Afterburner has finally received an update after many years without a stable release. MSI Afterburner is the most popular overclocking and monitoring tool…
B4早早就出了 今天剛好到期更換 順便放出完整繁體中文 + ROG 面板 下載位置1、下載位置2、下載位置3 解壓密碼:Leon Chen
改版囉!! 發個免安裝板給有需要的網友使用 MSI Afterburner 2.2.0 Beta8 免安裝 完整繁中 ROG面板 Q qazwswx0000 初級會員 已加入 6/26/11 訊息 37 互動分數 0 點數 0 年齡 34 10/22/11 #2 lookmeok 說: 改版囉!! 發個免安裝板給有需要的網友使用 MSI Afterburner 2.2.0 Beta8 免安裝 完...
https://www.tenforums.com/pc-custom...-latest-msi-afterburner-betas-updates-64.html its saved onto the card it seems It would take a way to reverse the settings, I am not sure if it exists yet as its still a beta feature. Sounds like it needs a way to save the defaults be...