求助各位大佬!!ms..最近发现玩绝地求生的时候机箱温度高的过分之前一直用某大师 显示 CPU温度70-75 显卡温度40-60 左右可是我用手摸机箱都感觉侧面很热了 用手摸显卡都感觉微烫了 感觉不是很正常啊
The latest version of MSI Afterburner features OC Scanner for RTX 20 series graphics cards. OC Scanner is an automated function that will find the highest stable overclock settings for your card. Giving you a free performance boost for a smooth in-game experience thanks to higher...
首先介绍一下MSI Afterburner,俗称“微星小飞机”。看名字大家应该知道它是微星科技出品的,但其实无论你买哪家的硬件,都可以装上它一起愉快玩耍。官网下载地址—— 微星中国cn.msi.com/page/afterburner 这是一款显卡助手,但它集成了一个叫RivaTuner的玩意儿,安装的时候会提示你选择性安装(遗憾的是不像主软件...
The latest version of MSI Afterburner features OC Scanner for RTX 20 series graphics cards. OC Scanner is an automated function that will find the highest stable overclock settings for your card. Giving you a free performance boost for a smooth in-game experience thanks to higher FPS. MSI ...
September 27, 2023MSI Afterburner Walkthrough Part 2: On Screen Display, Monitoring and FeaturesIn our first MSI Afterburner article, we showed the interface for overclocking and undervolting. In this section we’ll cover more features like on screen display, hardware monitoring, custom fan profi...
September 27, 2023MSI Afterburner Walkthrough Part 2: On Screen Display, Monitoring and FeaturesIn our first MSI Afterburner article, we showed the interface for overclocking and undervolting. In this section we’ll cover more features like on screen display, hardware monitoring, custom fan profi...
AfterBurner v4.6.0 beta 10 Added NVIDIA Turing GPU architecture support:增加英伟达图灵GPU架构支持 ...
I just got new GPU yesterday, it's EVGA 2080ti FTW3. All is running, haven't overclocked it yet, but it seem I can only control one fan with afterburner. I'm going to try beta 11, but since there wasn't anything related to nvidia card fans in the description, I don't expect ...
During the past years, external applications like MSI Remote Server were using this interface for tuning GPU hardware settings remotely from external applications. The improvements are intended to allow connecting external stress testing and automatic overclocking related applications to MSI Afterburner vi...
Afterburner Take full control with MSI Afterburner featuring OC Scanner. Overclock your graphics card and monitor your system’s key metrics in real-time. What's in the box Graphics card; cables and connectors; quick setup guide Product information ...