<msgtext> I need a new line, but I can't use a paragraph tag. <lines></lines> But I can get a new line with the lines tag. </msgtext> For information on how message text (<msgtext>) is formatted in the message buffer, seeHow messages are formatted in the message buffer. ...
IMbnSmsReadMsgTextCdma::get_Status 方法 IMbnSmsReadMsgTextCdma::get_Timestamp 方法 IMbnSubscriberInformation 接口 IMbnVendorSpecificEvents 接口 IMbnVendorSpecificOperation 接口 MBN_ACTIVATION_STATE枚举 MBN_AUTH_PROTOCOL 枚举 MBN_BAND_CLASS 枚举 MBN_CELLULAR_CLASS 枚举 MBN_COMPRESSION 枚举 MBN_...
public MsgTextView(Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); initMsgTextView(); } public MsgTextView(Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) { super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr); initMsgTextView(); } private void initMsgTextView(){ setP...
publicpartialclassShowMsgText : Label {publicstringTextMsg {get{returnText; }set{ timer1.Enabled=true; Text=value; } }publicShowMsgText() { InitializeComponent(); Text=""; }//////五秒后自动为空/////////privatevoidtimer1_Tick(objectsender, EventArgs e) { timer1.Enabled=false; Text=...
IMbnSmsReadMsgTextCdma::get_Status method IMbnSmsReadMsgTextCdma::get_Timestamp method IMbnSubscriberInformation interface IMbnVendorSpecificEvents interface IMbnVendorSpecificOperation interface MBN_ACTIVATION_STATE enumeration MBN_AUTH_PROTOCOL enumeration MBN_BAND_CLASS enumeration MBN_CELLULAR_CLASS enumer...
IMbnSmsReadMsgTextCdma::get_Timestamp 方法 IMbnSubscriberInformation 介面 IMbnVendorSpecificEvents 介面 IMbnVendorSpecificOperation 介面 MBN_ACTI加值稅ION_STATE列舉 MBN_AUTH_PROTOCOL列舉 MBN_BAND_CLASS列舉 MBN_CELLULAR_CLASS列舉 MBN_COMPRESSION列舉 MBN_CONNECTION_MODE列舉 MBN_CONTEXT 結構 MBN...
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