MSG2200-UP-8E 是瑞斯康达公司面向 POL 行业全光网场景推出的千兆数据型网关。 WAN 侧 EPON/GPON 自适应上联, LAN 侧提供全千兆以太网接口。 产品具备安全接入能力,支持访问控制、IPsec VPN、L2TPVPN,为用户业务接入提供安全通道保障。 产品特点 PRODUCT FEATURES 产品外观 PRODUCT APPEARANCE MSG2200-UP-8E 性能和...
with gain of time, and take off the Bc4, when you cannot recapture since you get mated with Qd2 and Qd1 check. Because of that, Black will just be up a rook.16...Rhg817.Rxg8Yes, you're right, Qxf6 is a winning move here, although White is still much better after Rxg8.17...