MSG-S500 系列 MSG-S500-7A 舊型號 前往網店購買 門市位置(在新分頁中開啟) 設計簡約不失奢華的一款型號,與工作和休閒風格均能搭配良好。基本設計具有平坦的錶圈和條形時標,營造出簡單、不失男子氣概的外觀。此外,運動型樹脂錶帶的使用使其非常適合成人休閒裝。纖薄的錶殼可輕鬆貼合纖細的手腕,配備 3 指針、日期...
MSG-S500 Series MSG-S500-7A Old Model Store Locator(Opens in a new tab) A model with a simple, luxurious design that goes well with both work and leisure styles. The base design has flat bezel and bar indices that create a simple, masculine finish. Additionally, use of a sporty resin ...