public static MsgQueueSender getInstance() { return ms; } public void sendTextMsg(String msg) throws JMSException{ QueueSession session = conn.createQueueSession(false,QueueSession.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); session.createSender(que).send(session.createTextMessage(msg)); session.close(); } public void sen...
* msg_lspid The pid of the process that sent the last message to the queue. * msg_lrpid The pid of the process that received the last message from the queue. * */ $msgStat = msg_stat_queue($msgQueue); print_r($msgStat); // 把数据加入消息队列,默认数据会被序列化msg_send($msg...
0666);//检测一个队列是否存在 ,返回boolean值$status=msg_queue_exists($msg_key);//可以查看当前队列的一些详细信息$message_queue_status=msg_stat_queue($msg_queue);//将一条消息加入消息队列msg_send($msg_queue,1,"Hello, 1");msg_send($msg_queue,1,'Hello, 2'...
← msg_remove_queue msg_set_queue → 代码语言:txt 复制 © 1997–2017 The PHP Documentation Group Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License v3.0 or later. 本文档系腾讯云开发者社区成员共同维护,如有问题请联系cloudcommunity@tenc...
libmsgque 消息队列(MESSAGE QUEUE)库项目简析 一、项目的目录结构 二、编译流程 三、测试库套件使用 四、libmsgque库主页以及邮件列表libmsgque 消息队列(MESSAGE QUEUE)库项目简析注: 本文假设你已经有linux开发环境请确保你使用本库时是tag版本。target=libmsgque-1.0 ...
msg queue是systemV IPC中的一种 进程间通信的方式。这里简单说明一下msg queue的使用方法 msg queue的创建与获取: intmsgid=msgget(IPC_PRIVATE,0666|IPC_CREAT); msgget 的 第一个参数叫做key , 如果是IPC_PRIVATE (0) 的话,说明创建的的消息队列只能是当前进程使用的,在这种清空下,除非fork,否则其他的进程...
linux msg queue 基础操作 消息队列 #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/msg.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> void msg_stat(int,struct msqid_ds ); int main() { int gflags,sflags,rflags; key_t key;...
1. When the system runs under heavy load, the message queue is congested, which may cause message loss. You are advised to reduce the service volume to ensure that the system runs under normal load. 2. Collect log and configuration information, and contact technical support personnel.Traduccione...
Cause 1: The message queue is congested. As a result, messages are lost or cannot reach the peer component. Cause 2: The peer component is abnormal and cannot respond to the GRESM request message. Procedure 1. When the system runs under heavy load, the message queue is congested, which ...