AI检测代码解析 Exceptioninthread"main"org.apache.rocketmq.client.exception.MQBrokerException:CODE:13DESC:themessageisillegal,maybemsgbodyorpropertieslengthnotmatched.msgbodylengthlimit128k,msgpropertieslengthlimit32k. Formoreinformation,pleasevisittheurl, 2. 上面大概意思...
getTransData()); count++; // Ensure that the size of the package should not exceed the upper limit. if (buffer.length() >= traceProducer.getMaxMessageSize()) { sendTraceDataByMQ(keySet, buffer.toString(), dataTopic, regionId); // Clear temporary buffer after finishing buffer.delete(0...
limit_conn_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=addr:10m; include mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; #第三方模块lua防火墙 lua_need_request_body on; #lua_shared_dict limit 50m; lua_package_path "/application/nginx/conf/waf/?.lua"; init_by_lua_file "/application/nginx/conf/waf/in...
> > upper-limit on single, atomic disk I/O, probably > > because someone finally got > > smart and started allocating memory buffers for I/O > > dynamically using the > > "malloc()" package instead of hard-coding a > > fixed-length variable as a > > buffer. At least, they did...
> upper-limit on single, atomic disk I/O, probably because someone finally > got smart and started allocating memory buffers for I/O dynamically using > the "malloc()" package instead of hard-coding a fixed-length variable as a > buffer. At least, they did so for the "dd" command.....
getTransData()); count++; // Ensure that the size of the package should not exceed the upper limit. if (buffer.length() >= traceProducer.getMaxMessageSize()) { sendTraceDataByMQ(keySet, buffer.toString(), dataTopic, regionId); // Clear temporary buffer after finishing buffer.delete(0...
(false); // The max size of message is 128K traceProducerInstance.setMaxMessageSize(maxMsgSize - 10 * 1000); } return traceProducerInstance; } @Override public boolean append(final Object ctx) { boolean result = traceContextQueue.offer((TraceContext) ctx); if (!result) {"...