the flight plan will appear on the onboard GPS unit, as well as the simulator map, and this gives the autopilot a route to carry out. The air traffic control will also vector IFR flight plans and the plans can be saved for future flights...
JUST FLIGHT 立即评价 继屡获殊荣的146专业版MSFS,Just Flight团队在对一架真实世界的飞机(前AM&T(Curio)Woensdrecht航空, 注册号PH CHN)进行全面的实践研究后,开发了F28支线飞机的高保真模拟。 Just Flight很高兴为您带来F28的所有四种型号:Mk 1000到Mk 4000。F28 Mk 1000于1962年发布,1967年首次飞行,1969年...
When running for the first time the application will request your Simbrief Alias (Username) so it can fetch the latest Flight Plan. You can find your Alias in the Account Settings menu option of your Simbrief page. Once the initial fetch is succesful, a configuration .ini file will be crea...
SimBrief flight plan import function Import flight plan from MSFS main menu (Working Title FMS only) SID and STAR support Holding pattern support Navigation and performance monitoring Communication system Dual VHF COMM, NAV and ADF radios, with 8.33kHz spacing support ...
Changes to the "Connect To Flight Sim on Startup" setting now take effect w/out a plugin restart. (Aug-2-2022) Version number: 1010003 Enabled WASimModule integration from multiple simultaneous plugin instances (when using multiple Touch Portal servers/devices). Improved several ...
经过漫长而期待的等待,Fenix Simulators 发布了适用于 Microsoft Flight Simulator 的 A320 版本 2 Block 2 (V2B2)。 下面的变更日志将让您全面了解这款全新版本的 Fenix A320 的功能。如果您正在寻找其中包含的一些亮点,这里有一个想法。V2B2 配备了改进的 EFB、新的机舱广播系统、完整的 GSX 集成以及对发动机模...
Passenger2 is coming along very nicely. It is very immersive, easy to use and their AI voices are very acceptably human. Dev keep adding new soundpacks and features with each update. This is the plan and list of soundpacks to come. Keep it up!!
This model and add-on for MSFS bring the A330-900neo in as realistic format as possible for users of Microsoft Flight Simulator. Many hours have been spent on bringing the original works up to MSFS format and many users will now announce that this aircraft is almost payware quality - an...
Hmm not can't say I have noticed a shifting of objects. There are some graphic issues with the prop much like happens in other flight sims in VR. But for the smoothness I get I will take that trade off. I just set "use the latest preview OpenXR runtime" to on, and set Motion Re...
I am currently coding myevents.txt to use with a keypress mini keypad. I plan to use Presets to attach the keypad. I want each key to perform two actions based on a keypress. Could you help with a technique to use these keys as an on/off switch. One keyp