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不,就像 Kuro 的波音 787-8 的情况一样,我们将确保飞行模型符合 B787-9 规格,并且符合您期望的质量水平地平线模拟 它会有 EFB 吗? 由于该项目基于 AAU2/SU13 框架,因此它将具有所述软件框架必须提供的所有功能,以及使其外观和感觉像波音 787-9 所需的所有定制 它会有两种发动机类型吗? 就像波音 787-8 ...
Optional Horizon Boeing 787-9 or Kuro B787 Mod 购买了该商品的顾客还买了 波音787 世界涂装包 MSFSILLUMINATORS MFS20 € 7.99 $ £ ¥ REALTURB 全球晴空湍流区 V2 MSFSM. A. REALTURB MFS20 MFS24 € 11.99 $ £ ¥ RAAS 跑道感知和咨询系统 专业版 MSFS24/20FS2CREW ...
nbsp This package is designed for compatibility with the Asobo 787-10 HorizonSim 787-9 4Simmers 787-9 Kuro 787-8 and works with most liveries and other enhancement packs Please view the user guide to understand the correct conditions in which these effec
lmk02/B787-XE Star328 Code Issues Pull requests A modification of the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 787-10 modfmcmsfs2020 UpdatedMay 28, 2021 HTML derekhe/msfs2020-map-enhancement Star307 Code Issues Pull requests MSFS2020 Map Enhancement ...
---#This is a commentmsfs:addon_dir:E:/MSFS-ADDONS#A directory where your addons can be stored and managedcommunity_dir:E:/MSFS/Community#Your community folderaddons: -github:pimarc/pms50-gns530#A prebuild addon from github-github:lmk02/B787-XE#A nother one-github:saltysimulations/sa...
China Eastern B787-10 (B-206K) Livery Filesize: 5.33 MB Today's Hot Download Pan American Embraer E-175 Filesize: 26.00 MB Survey Are you using the latest Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2020 release? Yes, they have really improved it. No, I haven't downloaded it yet... I'm goi...
【MSFS2020】VATSIM 起飞带管 赫尔辛基→上海浦东吉祥HO1608 机型:B787-9 游戏 单机游戏 模拟飞行 波音 第一视角 直播录像 起飞 赫尔辛基 上海浦东 2024哔哩哔哩拜年纪预约活动现已开启 评论0 最热 最新 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω・) 发布 没有更多评论航...
Taipei Songshan airport(IATA: TSA, ICAO: RCSS) is an international airport located in Songshan District, Taipei. The main runway is a RW10/28 with a length of 2605 meters, can provide take-off and landing of medium wide-body aircraft, such as B777-200ER, B787-9, B767, A330-300 ...
This applications save me from the disappointment of not being able to use the B787 Dreamliner. I recently upgrade my Standard MSFS2020 to Premium Deluxe just so I wanted to try this new airliner. I read in the forums that there is a known issue with the B787 but I never thought that ...